Chapter 11

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I woke up the next day with hay clinging to my clothes, the smell of bird poop all over me. I cringed as I looked down to see white and brown streaks all over my jacket and jeans. I looked past the cell door just to see Leon move aside as Scar walked up with Norwin and several other menacing looking soldiers.

Wait, how long had I been asleep for? The room seemed brighter and I heard birds chirping outside the window. Shit. T-minus one day until my public execution.

I didn't have time to contemplate the wasted time, as the cell door opened and Scar and Norwin walked in. As Norwin walked forward to me, Scar leaned against the wall opposite to me with his arms crossed. Norwin swaggered over and kicked some hay from his path and stood before me. His bulky frame and bald head alone scared me. I wasn't going to deal with this.

I sighed and kicked back, crossing my legs in front of me and throwing my hands behind my head. I looked off to the side after putting one of the pieces of hay from the floor in my mouth. Bad idea. It didn't taste so great. I decided spitting it out would make me look weak so I kept it in.

"Hey, what can I do for you?" I asked casually, the hay bobbing in my mouth.

In a flash, Norwin had a hand around my throat lifting me off the ground. I spat the hay out of my mouth in the struggle to breathe.

"You will address your Prince with respect," he said with his lips curled back in a snarl. He pulled his hand away from my throat.

I staggered a bit on my feet, trying to regain my balance.

"Fine," I snarled. Then, lowering myself in the pretense of a bow, I aimed and spat at Scar's feet.

Norwin lunged for me again before-, "Leave her."

He shrunk back hesitantly at Scar's command.

"Remember what we came here for. We've no time to waste."

I lurched back, leaning against the wall still trying to breathe properly. I wasn't going to let this faze me, it's nothing that I hadn't been through already. I leaned back against the wall, crossing my arms and glaring daggers at him cooly.

"Where did you find the crown sword?"

"I already told you that," I said, rolling my eyes. "But you already think I stole it from this damned palace-"

"I will not ask you again. Where did you find the crown sword?"

"I was in that creepy forest at the Rosemary Children's Park and it was inside the trunk of that tree in the middle of this clearing... wait a minute. You know I didn't steal it. You've accused me of theft and now you're trying to ask where I found it? If you are asking me where I found the sword, then you know it wasn't in your stupid castle."

"Bravo, you've got it." he clapped his hands sarcastically. "Where is this place you speak of?"

It's in North America. Ever heard of it?"

He glanced back at the prince and the group. They had confused expressions on their faces.

"No. Tell us more."

"Look, up until yesterday, I have had no idea where I was. This place is not where I come from, and not even close to it. So there's no point in telling you where it is."

"Tell. Us. More." He stepped closer to me, his knife out under my chin.

My gaze flitted over to Malakye who seemed completely unbothered, inspecting his nails as if they were the most interesting thing. As if noticing my attention, he glanced up and caught my eyes. I remained stubborn as I glared back into Norwin's.

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