Temples, Taverns, and Tact | Part Two

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The walk back was pleasant. They chatted and laughed. To say it had been a long time since they'd laughed in this way would be a lie. Only a few nights before had they been drinking with Boska and the other mercenaries. That had been a good night as well. But, this time, it was just them. And, while the contract they had to investigate — and, with luck, fix or eradicate — loomed over their heads, they still smiled. For once, perhaps they truly believed that everything would be alright in the end. Even if the road was long and difficult.

Cassian, every so often, would playfully poke Vanden or Elyse or Sariel. He even poked Astra once. Which was rather interesting. As — while they got along — they weren't as close of friends as others in the Party were.

The fact that Cassian was spreading the poking around made Vanden a bit more comfortable. It made the times Cassian poked Vanden seem less . . . personal. But, the prince couldn't help but smile. He couldn't recall a time Cassian had been in such a, well, playful mood.

The said their goodnights at the end of their hall and headed into their respective rooms. Cassian, as soon as the door was closed, began changing into his night clothes. Vanden turned away quickly.

"A little warning might've been nice," he grumbled.

Cassian laughed. "Vanden, you've seen my bare arse. To be frank, I really don't care if you see me changing clothes."

Vanden muttered something completely unintelligible and shuffled over to his pack, still turned away from Cassian. He had a black silk shirt and white cotton pants he wore to sleep in. So long as it wasn't a hot night, they were wonderful clothes.

Once they were both dressed, Vanden glanced to the fire. He knew he could light it magically, but, the idea still unsettled him.

"Would you like me to help you?" Cassian asked looking over Vanden's shoulder.

"I'm perfectly capable of lighting a fire," Vanden muttered, sparing a glance at Cassian.

The elf shook his head. "No. I mean with your fear of magic."

Vanden glared. "It's not a fear. I just find it distasteful."

Cassian, usually so full of sarcasm, seemed genuinely upset by Vanden's remark.

"But," Vanden muttered. "I'm curious now to see what you were going to do."

Cassian's expression lightened a bit, but, unfortunately, his smile didn't seem to fully return. He drew out a small symbol in the air and lifted it towards the ceiling. The symbol latched on to one of the cross beams and slowly extended down, white buds sprouting every now and again.


Vanden laughed. "You're unbelievable," he muttered.

Cassian shrugged. "You want to get over your 'distaste' for magic? Well," he held his arms open, as if waiting to receive a hug. "I'm magic. Do you find me distasteful?"

Vanden stepped forward, smiling ever so slightly. He leaned forward and kissed the corner of Cassian's mouth. "Yes," he muttered. "I find you ever so distasteful."

Cassian pouted. "No need to be mean."

Vanden rolled his eyes. He wrapped his arms around Cassian's waist and rested his head against his shoulder. "That stunt you pulled at the Tavern was cruel."

He felt, rather than heard, Cassian laugh. "Spur of the moment, dear," he muttered.

Cassian gently pushed Vanden away and stepped around him, moving towards the fire. He took Vanden's hand and held it in both of his own.

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