Chapter XVI

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It's almost lunch and I thought I could check on Cuddy. I never saw her after the incident earlier. As the elevator opened, I saw Malayna heading up. When she saw me she smiled and asked,

"Are you going to check on her?"


"Here! I thought you might want to give her lunch or something"


She went up and gave me a good luck sign before heading up. And I thanked her. As soon as I got in her office, I knocked on the door but no one answered so I got in. There was nobody in the desk so I thought I would leave. Then I heard the bathroom open and there I saw her. She looked pale. She looked at me with a faint smile.

"Uhmm—I brought lunch."

"Thank you. And thank you for what you did earlier"

She accepted the lunch I gave her. She sat down, I followed her and sat on the chair in front of her desk

"How are you? I mean I know you're not fine but—"

"I'm--- I'm not fine. I have been avoiding everyone today. I was very embarrassed about earlier"

She bowed her head down. She seemed to be drifting away so I called her attention.


She snapped from her thoughts and looked at me

"I think it's better if we eat the food, it might go cold", I told her

"Right! Uhm--- about what Lucas said earlier. I'm sorry"

That's what bothering her? I mean I am not expecting that as the top of her concern right now. It's clear that Lucas was just trying to make an excuse for cheating on her. Plus they were engaged for pete sake, it's impossible that I am still part of the picture. She clearly said that she's moved on.

"Oh you don't have to think about that, I know he's just drunk probably making up stories to cover his act" I replied with confidence

"What if---- what if it's true?"

I looked at her intently. She has this curiosity in her eyes which seemed to be waiting for me to answer. But I don't know what to say. My leg hurt all of a sudden. I was ready to move pass this emotions but with what she's saying right now, everything just came back. All the hurt, the rejections. I am speechless.

We were suddenly interrupted by my pager. Honestly, I am relieved this rang because I am still shocked with her question.

"I need to go, an emergency but I will talk to you later"

"Okay and thank you for the lunch"

I was riding the elevator with nothing in my head but the words she said. I don't know how to react or to feel. Drifting in my thoughts, I did not notice that I was already in my floor. I snapped out of my thought when Foreman yelled at me

"House! It's Dr. Smith"

I walked as fast I can and  went inside the room. There I saw Malayna laying down.

"What happened?" I asked

"Her nose bled then she passed out" Chase answered

"We already ran labs and tested her blood. Any moment from now, it will be here" Taub continued

"We called you to inform you. We know how much she means to you" Foreman said

I looked at him then mouthed thank you He nods his head and leave

"We will leave you here and will update you as soon as the lab results come." Foreman said

I held her hand tight. I never thought I'd see her lying in a hospital bed. She was just fine when we talked earlier. How did this happen and why? As I was holding her hand, someone came in, I didn't bother to look because I was so focused on finding some symptoms that I might have missed. Then a vice came from behind

"How are you?" Wilson asked

"I don't know. Honestly this day seemed to be a blur. She was just fine earlier. She even gave me lunch"

"Have you noticed symptoms? Or anything?"

"No. Nothing. I'm scared Wilson. I don't know what to do. I can't lose her again."

"Everything's going to be fine House"

Wilson tapped my shoulder which stayed a little longer. He left the room to give us some time. I was still waiting for the lab results. I was trying to diagnose silently. I tried listing down all the things I might have missed, trying to recall all our encounters for the past days. Then I noticed that her lips became paler in the past days. I also noticed that she ate lesser than the past months. With the things I have listed in my head I already have a few conclusions in my mind but I am trying to avoid the biggest diagnosis possible because I can't just accept it. The door opened with Foreman, Chase and Taub in there lab coats and worried faces.

"House, the labs are in" Foreman started but no one followed

"Well? What did the lab say?"

They were all bowing down there heads then Wilson came in with the same worry in his face

"I'm sorry House" Wilson said

With that remark, I already know what the diagnosis is. It can't be. I was lost for words. I am literally speechless. They all left me except for Wilson who stood near the door just silently looking at me. Then the door opened again. This time, I am still looking down with rumbled thoughts then someone asked

"How is she?"

Wilson and I looked at her but didn't say anything.

"Well?" Cuddy asked

She looked at Wilson and then Wilson bowed her head down. After a while Wilson replied

"Malayna has Acute Myeloid Leukemia"

Author's Note: Hi everyone! Thanks for the reads. I am so happy to see people are still reading this story. And sorry for this delayed update. I just had a dew technical problems along the way. 

Keep reading and sharing this story. Have a good read.

GREGORY HOUSE, MD (An Alternate Story)Where stories live. Discover now