Chapter 8: You're Safe

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  "Petra!" Damien called walking in the direction she had taken off to, Sebastian growled at him, he hadn't meant to but his wolf was still prominent and he wanted to be the one to comfort his mate not some omega.

  "I'll go." Sebastian told him keeping his tone as neutral as possible, he was mindful there was still quite the crowd following the fight. "Stay here with you Beta and tend to the wounded." He directed.

  "Alpha." Nico took hold of his arm before he could chase down his mate. "Might help if you're dressed." Nico said handing him a top and bottoms. Sebastian took them and threw them on as he ran toward the path Petra had taken. He inhaled deeply catching her scent and following it through the woodland, he was impressed she managed to get so far, then he heard quiet sobs and heavy breathing, panic surged through him as he ran toward the noise and her scent.

  His heart almost broke when he saw Petra on the floor her back against a large rock, she was pale her breathing laboured, her heart was beating erratically he realised then that she was having a panic attack. "Petra." He whispered walking slowly over to her and hunkering down so he was at her level.

  "Please." Was all she managed to say between her shallow breaths, her eyes were wide with fear but she didn't attempt to move away from him. He sat down near her but didn't touch her.

  "I'm not going to hurt you." He whispered hating the way she whimpered as he spoke. She closed her eyes and leant her head against the rock behind her, her body was shaking and her breathing was becoming more and more laboured. "Petra, open your eyes, I need you to look at me." He gently encouraged but she shook her head squeezing her eyes shut and fisting her t-shirt at her chest whilst she struggled to breathe. "Petra please, just look at me." She finally did as he asked her eyes big with panic but he was sure it wasn't for him but for the fact that her breathing was worsening. 

  He was becoming anxious himself, without a thought he moved forward and took her face between his large hands. "Kitten I need you breathe for me okay, nice and slow."

  "I.....I can't." She weeped, he stroked her cheeks with his thumbs hoping that their bond would help to calm her fears.

  "Yes you can, breathe with me okay?" He spoke as gently as he could and nearly sighed in relief when she nodded her head. "Okay, breathe in," She took a deep breath through her nose, "hold it for me baby, that's it, now slowly breathe out." She done as he asked her breaths shaky as she did. "And again, in and out." She let out a little sob but continued to do as he asked, he cheeks began to flush with colour again. "Don't stop kitten, in and out, nice a slow for me." He cooed feeling his own tension release the more controlled her breathing and the more colour that came back to her cheeks. When her breathing was almost normal he couldn't help himself as he picked her up from her position and crossing his legs he sat her on his lap and held her, rocking them both gently back and fourth. "Just breathe, I've got you." He whispered to her enjoying when she clung to his chest and moved closer to him. He breathed in her sent to calm himself, "You're safe."

  She fell asleep in his arms, without waking her he stood and made his way back to the pack house. Nico and Damien rushed over to him but he scowled at the two, he didn't want them to wake her. He walked through the pack house and out the front to his car. He gently placed her in the passenger seat closing the door as quietly as he could.

  He walked to the main door but stood outside waiting for Nico to join him, he needed her within view to calm his wolf who was marching around his head like a wild animal.

  "How is she?" Damien asked as he followed Nico.

  "Fine, she's sleeping." Sebastian really didn't like the way this pup followed his mate around, not that he was going to do anything with the fact that she was his mate but still. 

  "I'll order an Uber and take her back to mine." Damien went to walk away taking out his phone, anger flooded through him.

  "She's not going anywhere with you pup." He growled. "I'm taking her home-"

  "Great idea, she's just seen a whole bunch of people turn into wolves so why not have one of those wolves take her home, to a secluded cabin, genius!" Damien spat sarcastically, Sebastian dove forward and lifted the pup by his throat.

  "Never forget who your Alpha is pup." He seethed.

  "She doesn't even know you!" Damien argued, well as much as he could with Sebastian's hand around his throat. He pulled Damien close so that no prying ears would over hear their conversation. 

  "She's my mate." 

  "She's my friend." Damien sounded defeated but there was steel in his eyes.

  "Seb, he's just worried for his friend, he means no offence." Nico was attempting to calm him but he wanted so badly to hurt this male who thought his mate would be better off with him. "Take your mate home, we will sort out this mess." He jerked his head toward the pack house. "Sebastian, she won't be happy if she wakes up and you've killed her friend." Sebastian finally conceded and dropped Damien to the floor, watching him cough and splutter.

  Without another word Sebastian turned and got into the car and started to drive home. He glanced over to Petra still sleeping peacefully and flashes of the fight came through his mind. He had nearly had a heart attack when he'd seen her not running from the fight but running toward it, he noticed the small child and watched as his human mate smack the rogue hard with the baseball bat she had managed to find. 

  He knew the hit she had managed wouldn't be enough to stop the rogue but she swung the bat again, the fear he had felt watching the bat split in two. He had run faster than he had thought possible, he watched as Petra covered the toddler with her body with a final hard push he reached the rogue before he could touch Petra and ripped its throat out.

  He couldn't believe the pride he felt watching his human mate protect a pup without a thought to her own safety and then she had pleaded for the child's life. She had been ready to sacrifice herself for a child she didn't know and he didn't know whether he should be pleased or pissed that she would so readily void her own life.

  "Sebastian." She murmured in her sleep. He placed his hand on her thigh giving it a reassuring squeeze.

  "I'm here kitten, you're safe now." He whispered. "You're safe." He repeated though whether it was to reassure Petra or himself he didn't know.

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