Chapter 11: Mates

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  Petra was pacing in Sebastian's kitchen, Mila had been sent to find Tony who was still away with his friends, what was she going to say to him, hi babe sorry wolves are real and now I'll be living with one you'll be living with the others and the one I'm living with kissed the shit out of me and I didn't push him away, no I actually enjoyed it! She took her hair out and then shoved it back in a pony tail, she needed something to do with her hands as she waited for Damien to arrive.

  Sebastian had left with Mila mumbling something about sending Damien to her and now she was just waiting. A light knock came against the door, she ran and flung it open finding Damien looking embarrassed and hurt at the door.

  "I'm so sorry P." He whispered, without thought she wrapped her arms around him.

  "Me too." They remained on the door step for a few minutes before they both made their way through to the living room and sat on the sofa together. "Are there other humans here?" She asked, not your usual conversation but she wasn't sure what else to talk about after recent events.

  "Yes, two they live with their mates." Damien answered.

  "Mates? Like friends?" Petra asked.

  "No, no, mates are our destined partners." Damien responded looking at her as if she was mental. 

  "Let's pretend I'm not a..."

  "Wolf?" Damien laughed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you P  it it's not something that you can slip into every day conversation." He was fidgeting with his fingers and shifting in his seat, she leaned forward and placed her hand on his shoulder.

  "I get it." She told him but he was shaking his head.

  "No Petra you don't, we've been hunted by humans forever and I was just so afraid that if I told you, you'd hate me and become like them." 

  "I would never, I just....I didn't.....I didn't take it well but you're my friend." Petra wished she had  reacted differently but they were men and women that were suddenly not men and women but wolves, how was she meant to react.

  "Okay so let's just start again." Damien smiled and held out his hand. "I'm Damien and I am a shifter, I shift into a wolf." Petra laughed but took his hand anyway.

  "I'm Petra, I'm a human who doesn't shift into anything." She beamed at him. 

  "Well that's boring not sure we can be friends." He winked at her earning a slap to the back of the head.

  "Cheek." She nudged him. "So mates, what are they other than your destined?" She giggled.

  "Our goddess chooses our mates, we don't have a choice, she decides who is best for us and when we meet our mates it's like no one else in the world matters. All we want is to mark our mate make them ours and love them till our last breath. As corny as it sounds they complete us, they are the other part of you that's been missing without you realising it."

  "That sounds romantic." Petra cooed. "Have you found your mate?" She asked him. 

  "No, if I had I wouldn't be fucking every female within a five mile radius." He laughed.

  "So when you find her you'll just be together and that's it."

  "Unless one of us rejects the other." He shrugged.


  "It's rare but mates can be rejected, it's not nice, both of you suffer but it can be done it's just not something any of us want." 

  "So these humans are mates with wolves?" Petra asked.

  "Yeah, unlike humans we aren't as judgy." He laughed. "But seriously Petra, you're managing this real well, I'm proud of you."

  "Yeah, not really sure why." She admitted leaning against him for comfort. "Also your Alpha is a cock." She giggled.

  "Our Alpha now P." He laughed back. "Was he good to you earlier?" Damien asked and instantly she felt her cheeks flush as her mind wondered back to the kiss they had shared. The way he had dominated the kiss but allowed her to give as good as she was getting, the way the touch of his tongue against hers has damped her panties and how if Mila hadn't turned up when she did she wasn't sure she would have been able to stop Sebastian from taking more. 

  "Yeah, he was." She answered. "You know he wants me to stay with him whilst Tony is at the pack house?"

  "Yeah, but his wolf likes you so he will feel like he needs to look after you." Damien shrugged though he didn't sound convinced. 

  "He doesn't need to look after me and I'm not sure how Tony will feel about me living with a random man." 

   "He doesn't need to but he will, he's not random he's your...Alpha and Tony will be fine." Damien argued. "You'll be safe, he will look after you." 

  "Sorry team Sebastian." She half laughed and half yawned, Damien moved slightly so she could lean against him better and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I still love you wolf boy." She sighed as she felt her eyes getting heavy. 

  "I love you too, even though you're human." He squeezed her shoulders, she managed a slight laugh before sleep took over.

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