Chapter 10: Frustrations

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  He wasn't he'd her threw the eyes of his wolf, she was frozen her dark eyes wide. He saw her hands begin to shake and he could smell the fear radiating off her. He sat down and just stared at her.

  "Your eyes are the same." He heard the tremor in her voice but nodded his head. "You can understand me?" She asked catching her lower lip between her teeth as she waited for him to respond, he nodded his head again and watched as her hand covered those pretty lips. "Holy shit." Sebastian remained still he didn't want to alarm her more than she already was, he didn't think he could take watching her have another panic attack.

  He cocked his head to the side as he watched her inch toward him before stumbling back as though realising she had been getting nearer. "You....I....." He laughed inwardly watching as she stammered with her words and the way her eyes were raking over his form as if they were deceiving her and if she looked hard enough he would suddenly be human. "Can I...." She inched forward again. "I.....can I touch......can I touch you?" She asked, the wolf in him was eager for his mate to touch him and nodded quickly.

  Sebastian watched as she hesitantly walked toward him, he could smell the fear still but the fact that she was willing to come near him made his heart flutter in his chest. She was brave he thought to himself  as she began to reach out to touch him she was so close but yanked her hand back at the last moment. "You won't hurt me?" She whispered the question, he shook his head as she bit down on her lip again. "Promise?" She sounded like a child scared innocent, he nodded his head and he saw her visibly relax slightly as she moved closer and rested her hand on his head. 

  His wolf growled with satisfaction at the simple touch, she didn't remove her hand though instead her eyes found his. "You were growling when I first met you, when we slept." She was talking to herself but he nodded pleased that she remembered. "I don't know why but, I...I like the sound." She began to stroke his head, his wolf was putty in her hands, he wanted to wrap her up and protect her like his queen, Sebastian had to try and make sure his wolf understood she was not the right mate for them but his wolf was in charge currently. 

  "You're so beautiful." She whispered the words and his wolf almost howled with excitement. Enough was enough, Sebastian stood and walked out of the room, the bond he felt for her was stronger in wolf form he needed to change. He quickly shifted to his human form and flung on a pair of joggers and made his way back out to her. 

  He hadn't bothered putting a top on and realised his mistake when he saw her pupils dilate at the sight of his naked torso. The way Petra's eyes raked over him had his cock coming to attention which he really didn't want or need. "Petra, eyes up kitten." He couldn't help the way his voice had dropped, he needed to pull himself together and if she kept eye fucking him he was likely to pounce. 

  "Sorry." She cleared her throat. "The wolf really is beautiful." She told him.

  "Thank you, you realise we are same being, everything you said to him you're saying to me and vice versa." He told her watching as the information was slowly sinking in.

  "You're wolf likes me more." She shrugged, he was shocked by her observation.

  "How can you possibly tell that?" 

  "I don't know, I just know he likes me more than you." She shrugged at him. "As lovely as it was seeing your wolf, I don't understand why I can't go home, you said Tony can know so why wouldn't you let me just go home?"

  "Any human that knows about us is expected to move to the pack house, it's for their protection and ours." It was true, there was only two other humans who knew of their existence and both resided with the pack, well with their mates but with the pack.

  "Then why can't i stay at the pack house with Tony?" She asked, truth was there was no reason and he had no fucking idea why he had said she could stay with him but now that he had said it he wanted her here, wanted her in his home.

  "My wolf likes you so wants to protect you." He gave her a half truth. Sebastian raked his hand through his hair, he needed to reject her, to send her on her way, she wasn't Luna material, she wasn't what he wanted fuck what his wolf wanted. 

  "Can't he do that from the pack house?"

  "No, fuck Petra don't argue this, if you want him here he can come and stay in the pack house but you will be here with me end of discussion." His voice raised slightly with frustration.

  "End of discussion? I'm not a fucking child Sebastian I have a say in what I do with my life." She hissed at him.

  "You're not a child but you're a human who knows about my kind and I am the Alpha, you will obey-"

  "Obey!" She cut him off shouting back at him. "I'm not some dog or wolf that you can train, I'm a person so get your head out of your arse!" He was in front of her in seconds his hands gripping the tops of her arms.

  "I make the law here kitten, so watch your tone!" He seethed brining his face down to hers their noses almost touching, Sebastian knew it was a mistake to touch her but it was too late, he felt the heat seeping through, the tingles following down his arms and down to his cock.

  "Or what?" She spat back, but he noticed the hitch in her breath, heard the thundering of her heart against her breast plate, his body was on full alert his wolf pushing to the front wanting more and he couldn't fight it. He crashed his lips against hers and heard her squeal at the connection in shock, but she didn't pull back. He moved his lips against hers, her lips felt so soft against his and when she sighed with content his slipped his tongue in her mouth and began to devour her like a last meal. He moved his hands from her arms and cupped her face angling her so he could deepen the kiss. His whole body was thrumming with excitement as she kissed him back, her hands finding their way into his hair, it wasn't a delicate kiss, their anger and pent up frustration fed into the kiss, he bit on her bottom lip causing her to moan and grip his hair roughly her nails digging into his scalp and fuck if he didn't find that sexy. 

  The pounding of his front door caused Petra to yank herself from their kiss, both were breathing hard, her cheeks flushed and her lips swollen. 

  "Alpha!" Mila called through the door.

  "Petra I...." He didn't know what he wanted to say but Mila was yelling again, she covered her lips with her hands. "I'm coming!" He shouted back keeping his eyes trained on Petra who looked confused but he still noted the flush on her cheeks her dilated eyes. "Petra-"

  "No, that didn't happen." She told him turning away from him. 

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