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Chapter : 23 - I Get Turned On By Them!

I came into my room and just collapsed on the bed closing the door behind me.
The rest of the ride was calm, he didn't say anything. neither did I. Aryan was confusing me. 

I closed my eyes shut and tried to sleep. I'm usually not a person who sleeps a lot. I never slept in the morning. But to calm myself down, maybe I'll have to try to sleep. And since its sunday, I don't have much to do so I decided to sleep.

The moment I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, I heard Rupali squeeling and jumping in the hallway. Why can't people just let me sleep? I covered my head with a pillow, lying on my stomach.

"Annu, I just want you to be happy. Even if I'm not around."

He voice echoed in my head and I growled into the pillow.

"I promised myself Annu, that I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

I shifted in my bed frustrated and squeezed my pillow against my body.

"Annu, I had to be around you! Talk to you, be your bestfriend again. It's like I'm drawn to you."

I couldn't get his stupid voice out of my head and kicked my legs in frustration.

"You just need the right person, even if that's not me. You deserve to be happy, you deserve all the love. And you're better off without me. You don't need me Annu." 

I screamed and sat up on the bed unable to sleep when he's taking over me like that.

"What happened?" Rupali asked standing by the door.

"Ary-" I bit my tongue and sighed. "Nothing" I said.

"Okay." She giggled. That's a weird giggle.

"So... what's up with you." I asked her.

"Nothing... at all...!" She said shyly.

"C'mon, tell me." I asked. Something is up, definitely. She's blushing likre a tomato.

"Okay, so...Annu, you already know that I like Aryan right?" She said and I felt myself being punched in face, even if I saw that coming.

"Oh." Is all I managed to say.

"So... finally." She said squeeling and giggling to herself as my lips parted in confusion.

"Finally... what?" I asked.

"I asked him if he wanna hangout with me, like a movie or dinner... and he said yes! OMG!! I can't believe it! I can't believe he said yes!" She hugged me tightly shaking my body.

Oh. It's just a date. And I doubt if alteast he knows its a date.

"Annu, he said yes to a date with me!" Rupali covered her mouth with her hands in excitement.

"That's great! I'm happy, that you're happy!" I said. A feeling of guilt rushed through me.

For the very first time, I said something that I didn't mean at all, even a tiny bit of it. It wasn't like I didn't want her to be happy. She's my sister, and I wish she's happy always. But the feeling of her being his girlfriend or whatever, just didn't sit right.

Could it be that I had feelings for him long back and now it's weird that he'd be dating her? And moreover I had to see them together every single time which could be damn awkward for some reason.

"OMG! Annu I still can't believe it!" She squeeled.

That makes two of us.

"What's not to believe? I knew he liked you." I smiled.

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