Chapter 18: Lesson

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|Tony's POV|

I enter the history class with Steve. The teacher finally decided to assign seats. I look over at the seating plan. I'm in the middle of the class, next to Bruce. Well, that could have been worse. I smile and go over to my seat. Bruce seats next to me and smiles at me. I look around the class to find Steve. He goes to a seat right in front of the teacher's desk. He takes his sweatshirt off, lifting his t-shirt with it, and puts it in his bag. Then he sits down. There's a cute girl next to him. She's looking at him. I could literally draw hearts in her eyes as she looks at him. But Steve doesn't realise that. He's looking at the board where the teacher started to write a few stuff. The course starts.

At some point, I see something hit Steve's back. That seems to be some small paper bullet. I look behind. Of course, Killian was the thrower. He keeps doing that for a few minutes. He wants to get on Steve's nerves. As an other bullet hits his back, Steve turns to face Killian, sitting two desks behind him.

-"Could you stop doing that, asshole ??!!" he says loudly

-"Rogers ! No bad words in my classroom !" Mr Adams says

Steve clenches his fists but says nothing and turns back to face the board. The teacher keeps on explaining his course.

Killian keeps annoying Steve though. He's not only throwing paper bullets now, he's also throwing some pencils at Steve. Steve gets up and walks towards Killian. But instead of pushing him, he steals his pencil case and goes back to his place. The teacher is still writing on the board. Steve went so quickly that he didn't notice anything.

-"Sir ?? Rogers stole my pencil case !" I hear Killian say

The teacher turns to face the class. He looks at Killian then at Steve, still holding Killian's pencil case. He frowns his eyebrows.

-"Rogers ?? Could you give it back to Clarkson please ?"

Steve does so without a word. I can see he's mad though. The teacher might have seen it too.

-"Rogers, I want you to go out of the classroom. You can come back when you're calm again" he says, showing Steve the door.

-"But Sir-" Steve says

-"Just go Rogers" the teacher says.

Steve gets up and walks to the door. He gets out of the room and he slams the door.

That's so fucking unfair. I see that Killian has a huge smile on his face. He's probably mad that he's been suspended from the football trainings and games for a week after beating up Steve and I. So he's taking his revenge.

The course goes on. Steve comes back after what's probably fifteen minutes. He seems calmer than before. The teacher watches him go to his seat before continuing his lesson.

The course ends when the bell rings. I go over to Steve, who's still packing his stuff.

-"Hey Steve-" I start

-"What do you want Tony ??" he says angrily

-"I know you're angry... I saw all of it... That's unfair" I say

Steve has a small smile.

-"Yeah... but I'm still the one being punished as usual..." he sighs

I nod sadly. As we get out of the class, the teacher calls Steve back. Steve sighs before going back in. I follow him. He for sure needs mental support.

-"Rogers, I know there's a reason behind your behaviour towards Killian Clarkson. What is it ?" he asks, concerned.

-"He kept throwing those paper bullets and pencils in my back. That was so annoying that I decided to stole his pencil case where he took them from so he'd stop bothering me" Steve says

-"And you couldn't tell me that ??" Mr Adams says

-"I wasn't sure you'd believe me actually... that's always my word against his..." Steve says

-"Yeah right. I'm sorry but I had to make you leave the class. I saw you were angry and I thought that'd be better for you to calm down. I didn't do it to punish you" the teacher tells him.

-"You were right... I wanted to destroy his face so bad..." Steve says

-"You're making progress on controlling your anger Rogers. That's good" the teacher smiles slightly.

-"Yeah I guess... anyway, I gotta go to football practice ! See you later Sir !" Steve leaves the class. I follow him.

-"I didn't ask you that earlier but do you come to tonight's party at Charles's house ?" I say

-"Yeah, I'm coming. But I'll be a little late because I have to go home to change clothes after practice" he smiles

-"That's great ! See you there !" I say, walking to my car.

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