I don't know who he thinks he is. Ellis is my brother, I get that, but that doesn't mean that he can boss me around. I am 17 years old. I make my own decisions. I have been ever since my father left. My mom even knows that. It's not like she cared, but she would at least back off. Ellis is consistent. He won't stop until he gets what he wants. He will do anything really. I guess in a way, I am like that too, but he takes it to the extremes. He is the definition of consistence. I don't understand how he could take Harry's side on this. Harry knew not to call me that, but yet he did. He hit a nerve and he knows it. Harry is the biggest dick on this planet. I am going to find his weak spot and use that against him. If he wants to play, then I'm going all in. You don't mess with me, because now he won't know what's coming.••
"He really called you that?" Ad asks me.
I told her and Dex about what happened this morning. They hate Harry even more now too. I'm going to tell them about my plan to get him back.
"Yeah, he did. And now I have to find his weak spot and use it against him."
I act like I'm going to go in a boxing ring with him. Ha, I wish. I would beat the living shit out of him. Hopefully.
"What do you mean?" Dex asks me, confused.
"He hit my weak spot and he knew what he was doing. So, now I have to find his weak spot and use it against him too." I say, matter-of-factly.
"How are you going to do that, Maze?" He asks me, staring into my eyes with an emotion I can't describe.
"Oh, just you wait and see. I know what I'm going to do, and it won't be pretty." I say, with an evil smirk.
"I can't fucking wait to see what you have in store." Ad says, with excitement. At least she's all in with me.
"Me either." I say, while laughing with her.
"Are you not excited about this like we are Dex?" I ask him, he doesn't seem like he wants me to go through with this.
"No, it's not that. It's just, I don't know. Whatever. Let's fucking do this and find his fucking weak spot. I'm pumped." Woah. That went from zero to one hundred real quick. But who the fuck cares? Now he's all in!
"Yes! I can't wait." I say to them, as we come up with ideas to find his weak spot. This is going to be good.
Me, Ad, and Dex are walking into school as of right now. We came up with my plan last night and I am planning on going through with it. It's really great. Hopefully it works though.
I have to wait for Harry to come up and talk to me, and that's when it starts. This is going to be so evil, but he messed with the wrong girl. When I say not to call me something, don't call me it. It's as simple as that.
We go to our lockers and 'get our stuff out' for our first class. But when I say 'get our stuff out' I really mean, get our gum and phones. That's all we ever get.
"I'm actually really excited for this." Ad says, with a huge grin on her face.
"Me too." Dex says, laughing.
"I honestly can't wait." I say to them, getting out a piece of gum from my pack.
"Can't wait for what?" I hear someone say, but it definitely wasn't Ad or Dex. I turn around, and guess who it is?
Harry Styles himself.
Good. Now my plan is starting.
"Oh. We were just talking about this party on Friday night." I say to him, flipping my hair off my shoulder and turning around to face Ad and Dex again.