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I ran out of the cafeteria as fast as I could, not bothering to look back or even care if I ran into someone. I just needed to get out of there as fast as possible.

When I finally reach the doors of the school to get out, I slam into them and go to the tree thats on the side of the school. When I get to it I hit it as hard as I can, screaming at the top of my lungs as I do it.

I hit it repeatedly, screaming, kicking, cursing, letting out all of my anger until I calmed down.

Sshhhh Maze. Its okay. Everything will be alright.

I try to calm down as much as possible. Atleast this was very minor and not huge. Then it really wouldnt have been good, not only for me, but the people around me too.

But I just cant believe I blew up again. I havent done this in a while. I guess when he started calling me darling is when it really hit me. Darling. I cringe at the thought of the nickname.

Im just happy that I got out of there as quickly as I did, or else it wouldnt have been pretty.

As Im about to go back into the school, I here someone say something,

"Uhm.. Are you alright?" A girl asks me.

"Uhh...Yeah. Why wouldnt I be?" wait

"Well I just watched you scream and punch and kick a tree for the past ten minutes. Not really something you see on a daily basis if you ask me. So thats kinda why I asked if you were okay."

I have seen her somewhere before....

"Oh, well yeah. Im fine."

"Whats your name by the way?" She asks

"Maze. You?"

"Toni." I swear I have seen her somewhere, I just dont know where.

"Uhm, have I seen you somewhere before?" I ask

"I dont know. Maybe. I mean I do go here." She says, laughing at the end.

"I have seen you somewhere before. Do you have a sister by any chance?" Shes the girl that Dex showed me on Instagram the other day! I knew I have seen her before!

"Yeah. Her name is Tori. She should be here by now actually."

I knew it!

"Yo bitch!" I here some one say from behind me.

"There she is." Toni says quietly as another girl, Im guessing is Tori, approaches us.

"Whats up?" Toni says to Tori.

"I just snuck out of Mrs. Bennetts class. Fucking finally! I hate her class." Tori says, rolling her eyes.

"Dont we all?" Toni says back to her.

"Whos this?" Tori asks, looking me up and down.

Alrighty then bitch.

"This is Maze. Maze this Tori, my feternal twin."

"Oh. Heyy." I say, sounding bored.

"Hi." Tori says, her tone matching mine.

"I was getting ready to lea-" I get cut off by someone else. Ughhhhhh!

"Darling!!" I here Harry sing.






As I turn around, I see Harry walking over to us, with that stupid fucking smirk on his face. I wish I could smack that smile off his face, because I would.

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