Part One: Brothers and Ribbons

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Avril's POV.

I just broke into Dean and Sam, my two older half brothers, house. I looked through the whole place and nobody has returned home yet.

I walk to the fridge, open it, and I grab a Coke from the fridge.

My heels makes a clicking sound that echoes in the house. The Coke trickles down my throat slowly, the cold felt good in my throat.

Suddenly, the locks unlock.

I walk silently over behind a wall near the main room.

"Seriously Dean?! You think this is a good idea?" I hear a male voice who I'm guessing is Sam Winchester.

"What?! I mean, what else are we suppose to do?!" I hear the second man, Dean, say.

"I think you have bigger problems than... whatever your dealing with now." I say coming out of hiding. I step in front of the two boys who both look at me in shock.

The tallest one has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Sam Winchester. The shorter one has dark blonde hair and green eyes. Dean Winchester.

"Who the hell are you?" Dean asks putting a gun to me.

"Calm down, I'm not here to hurt either of you. You two really don't know who I am?" I ask.

The boys brows furrow and they shake their heads.

"Well... let me introduce myself then." I say putting my Coke down. "My name is Avril Winchester, and I'm your little sister bitches!"

Dean and Sam stare at me in complete, utter shock. I burst into laughter before taking a drink of the Coke.

"So... how do we know you're telling the truth?" Dean says suspiciously.

I sigh heavily, "You... uh... you remember how Tara said she had a "nice weekend" with John Winchester? Well... I was the result of that weekend." I finish with another swig.

Dean looks at me, "So... you're Tara's daughter?"


"I'm sorry for your loss... it's my fault she's gone."

"I know, and I don't care. I just...."

"Just what?" Sam asks.

"I just want to be... to be with the last of my family." I shyly look away.

I stand there, my head down.

Suddenly, there was a hand on my shoulder, "We'd love to have you stay, Avril, but we need to tell you something." Dean says.

"I already know about the "family business"." I say using my fingers as quotes.

"Oh... okay, we're good." Dean says with a smile.

I smile back, "Thank you." I say.

From out of nowhere, Dean grabs my hand and lifts my sleeve to show my tattoo. "Nice tattoo, but... why a ribbon?" Dean asks.

"The ribbon is a promise... a promise I'm keeping with me forever."

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