The Shut-In Next Door Part 2

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It was dark out. However, Kiku woke up a little while ago. He went to bed when the sun had another hour before it needed to rise. Kiku's sleeping schedule was similar to that of a nocturnal animal. He stayed up throughout the night and slept all through the day.

When Kiku is awake, he spends his time watching TV or playing video games. More recently, though, he has been trying to become a mangaka; Someone who makes manga. Currently, that was what he was doing now.

"Shikashi, koreha purotto o dono yō ni tsukaemasu ka (But how does this help the plot)?" He wondered out loud. "Was there any prot to begin with?" Kiku fiddled with the drawing pen, lost in thought.

Kiku often switched between both Japanese and English. Japanese was his first language, having been born in said country. He took English classes when he was in school and eventually became fluent. He's lived in [City] for a while now - about four years. Kiku liked the view of the area from his window. Of course, it's one of the only outside things he'll see.

It's not something he's proud of, but it is something he acknowledges. Kiku hasn't been outside in over nine months, and even quite possibly over a year. Nothing bad is happening outside. Kiku just... He just...

He's afraid to go out.

Kiku has something that is similar to social anxiety. Except it's just more severe. He's been nervous during social interactions and gatherings since he was a child. The fear never went away once he became an adult - it's only gotten worse.

Being cooped up indoors isn't new to him. Even before coming to [City] he kept himself locked away. It never lasted long since he would have to shop for groceries and work a job to pay bills. When his seclusion ended, he'd fall into an even worse state. Kiku would always try to pick himself back up, but he would always go back to following his old habits. He would tell himself that he can stop, that he can get over it. But it doesn't work like that. Instead of trying to "fix" himself, Kiku just learned to accept it.

This time, Kiku has managed to stay inside and secluded for a much longer period of time.

He preferred to have items delivered to his home over going out. He switched to doing work online than in person. He even declined multiple invites from both friends and family. Kiku shut himself off from the world. Kiku didn't mind though, he would like it to stay that way.

The only person he really had contact with was an old friend of his. Funnily enough, his friend was a therapist. Whenever the two chat online, Kiku would always find himself in the middle of a free session.

His friend's name is Yao. Yao and Kiku have known each other for years, and they are both extremely close to one another. When Kiku moved to [City], Yao went back to China. He can speak Chinese, Japanese, and English. Yao is very good at what he does and can help lots of different people. He wants to help Kiku, yet Kiku doesn't have the same idea...

Kiku's computer gave off a noise. It was a little sound that told the user that they have a new notification. Kiku put down his pen. It rolled off the table, yet he ignored it. What does Yao want now? He thought with both annoyance and curiosity. Kiku knew it was him because all of the other notifications he has make a different sound. He started up his computer and read whatever Yao sent.

Hello, Kiku! It's been a while since we last spoke. I know how you are with socialization, so I will wait a few days for your reply. However, I think that it would be best if you try to make connections with people that aren't me. I know, I know. You don't like that. But it doesn't have to be with a lot of people. Even speaking, or writing, with one new person would be beneficial. I'm positive that, with time, you can be on the road to a happier life. Think about it, OK? I am not only a professional, I am also your friend. I want what's best for you, Kiku. Please let me help. Yao Wang.

There was a Japanese version under the first one. Kiku figured it was because of how he often told Yao he wasn't "in the mood" to read something in either English or Japanese. Yao must have caught on...

Kiku looked at the part about interacting with someone new. He didn't know how to feel. He couldn't do that, even if he wanted to. The neighbors all have their own things going on. The delivery people know better than to come to his door. And Yao always reaches out to him once or twice a month. He was fine.

"Sumimasen, Yao. Watashi no te wa musuba rete imasu (I'm sorry, Yao. My hands are tied)." Kiku laughed to himself, think he didn't have to listen to Yao. "There are no new people-"

A knock at the door made him stop mid sentence. Kiku froze. While he was awake, no one else should be up at this hour.

"I jinxed myself..." He whispered. "Maybe if I don't answer, they might go away?"

He heard another knock, fear going through his body.

Doko ka ni itte (Go away)! Doko ka ni itte! Kiku yelled in his head. Kiku's head started to hurt. He felt fatigued; He felt tired and dizzy. Kiku went to his bed. He grabbed a weighted blanket that was laying there. He wrapped it around himself, almost using it as armor. It helped ease his nerves by a bit. Kiku slowly walked to his front door and looked through the peephole. He saw a girl standing there. There was a package by her feet; His package.

She just stood there. Was she waiting for someone to answer? That seemed like the most logical reason. She sighed, and then walked across the hall. Kiku saw her enter the apartment. He heard the stranger lock their door, signaling that they won't be out anytime soon. He also sighed in relief. She was gone.

"I have a new neighbor? Why? I was fine with the other peoprle..." He pouted. "Prus, the other peoprle didn't touch my packages..."

Kiku waited some more before collecting what he ordered. The weighted blanket sat on his shoulders and covered his back. Kiku liked the weight, it had a calming feeling to it. He never liked physical affection normally, but this was nice, and he knew that he was fine.

When Kiku was about to head into the hall, he heard music coming from the girl's apartment. He got nervous and scared all over again. He stayed put for another minute. Once Kiku got enough confidence back, he opened his door slowly. Sitting on the ground was his package.

He picked it up and brought it inside. The contents were full of different snacks. Most of them were from his home country of Japan. Seeing them all gave him a bit of nostalgia and hunger.

Kasugai... Puchao... Hi-Chew... And salt water taffy... He said the names of the snacks in his head. He looked forward to eating them all soon.

Kiku thought about the person that brought up his package. While he wasn't upset about having it brought to his door, he was a little agitated that he didn't get to go downstairs; That was going to be his only form of physical exercise for the week. Not to mention the fact that he was disturbed and frightened. Shouldn't people be more considerate of others? And it's very late, what if he was woken up? Him being asleep would've been unlikely, but still!

Kiku remembered what Yao said earlier. He's always been comfortable with exchanging letters and notes. Sure, he could leave a complaint. That could count as something, right? And he could tell Yao that he was trying to socialize. It's a win-win situation for him!

The Japanese man smiled to himself. He loved this idea he had. His package was placed at the edge of his bed, while his weighted blanket rested on the actual mattress. Kiku grabbed a piece of paper and began writing. Hopefully, the person across the hall will get the message. When he finished writing, he took a strip of tape and went into the hallway again. He could hear music being played. Not wanting to be a loiterer, he taped his note to the door and then left quickly.

The Shut-In Next Door [Hikikomori! Japan X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now