Chapter 6

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We were all sitting down in a set of old and dusty broken down couch and armchairs, and I had to keep adjusting around this broken spring poking at my butt. I was bored with my friends silly talk and the persistent headache from the wine of yesterday wasn't making their topics more lively.

The place was a decrepit former staff lounge inside this abandoned psychatric facility. The Montgomery Asylum For The Insane was a large art déco edifice, incredibly disfunctional for its intended use. Most of its fittings and adornments were striped and a lot of what remained was either stained by humidity or was rotten and worn out on account of the many holes in the ceiling. Furthermore, the time itself had been ravenous with the place and what wasn't timeworn was dilapidated by our very own group of friends or Hellwater's many generations of angst teens. The place was ghastly and scary. A series of long derelict corridors interconnecting large echoing rooms that reminded me of the inner guts of a beast. The only thing reminiscent of its whilom striking aesthetics was the windows. Narrow and long, the building was full of them like glass teeth on a hungry mouth.

It doesn't made any sense but this small backwards middle of nowhere town has a state of the art Hospital in a shinning new building under the patronage of the Montgomerys. This one, made superfluous, has been empty since the early 90's. As morbid townies, to walk around on it's spooky halls has been a ritual of passage for every highschooler in Hellwater. Regardlessly, it was a meeting point for our crew. We hung there a lot. We tagged the walls, broke stuff and hooked up with each other, thinking of ourselves more edgy than we really were. Those pair of leather sofas we were sitting on, for instance, have seen a lot of action, thanks to these horny teens. It was disgusting really. One better not even think of it.

I was struggling with the seat of the couch and trying to pay attention to Noel's perfect imitation of Mateo's cheesy pick up lines when I felt a swift brush of air against my right ear and a following sound of a glass window breaking.

"Zoe! Whatta fuck! You crazy bitch!" Xander yelled.

"You just a cheating sack of shit Xander. I just hate that I ever fell in love with you. You were just using me this whole time and laughing behind my back while you took piece by piece of every good part of me. I was good before you and now there is nothing left" Zoe spouted. She was crying her eyes out.

Xander jumped from his seat, hands molded into fists and ran towards the assailant. Zoe fled screaming all kinds of expletives. Mateo went after them, probably to try to prevent a murder, and Emma and Marissa tagged along. Noel took his time treading on their heels laughing at the situation.

I was left alone with Matty and Dmitri, kinda shaky by the near death experience.

"Fuck man! Are you ok? She almost hit you," Matty exclaimed trowing himself by my side and checking my head.

"I'm fine," I said pushing him off of me.

"Although I'd rather be just a bystander than part of this shit show..." I muttered.

"Damn it. This is nothing short of lunacy, if you wanna know. And such a shitty aim. I guess we have to thank her faulty aim or we would have at least a body in our hands" Dmitri said.

Dmitri seemed particularly jaded with that matter.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.... It's all my fault!" Marissa said.

She came back dragging her feet exasperated and sunk at the couch by my side with a concerned face.

"What?" Matty asked more annoyed than interested.

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