Missing Ache

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What if the Anti-Magic Devil didn't exist?

What if Licht didn't use Sword Magic or have a four leaf clover grimoire?

What if he didn't have a grimoire at all?

What if the Word Magic Devil sought out a different power from Licht.

What if Asta's pure heart was worthy to wield the 'mightiest weapon of all'.

What if Asta obtained a different kind of magic, other than never giving up?

How would the fate of the Clover Kingdom change?

Well, like someone once said; "Destiny is never left to chance."


In the Far-Remote Village of Hage in front of a church, two babies could be heard crying. The High Priest Orsi went to investigate and noticed to two abandoned babies. "Two more for us, eh?" Orsi said as he knelt in front of the babies.

A short while later in the church, Orsi lit up a fire for the two boys. He held one of the whimpering babies in his arms. "Aw, shh. There's a good boy." He said trying to calm down the baby. As the baby stopped crying, Orsi placed him back in the warm blanket he had found him before next to his supposed brother. "Here you go. I was starting to think you would never calm down." He said, now examining the babies.

One boy had ash-blond hair and the other had raven black hair.

"Are you brothers?" Orsi wondered first. "Same age so possibly twins as well." But after a closer inspection it was clear that the two weren't related. "No, they're neither." He looked at the baby with black hair. "This one here is sweet and well behaved," He then looked at the ash-blond baby. "and this one, well, he's a bit spirited." He chuckled as the baby moved around with a big smile on his face. "Then there's the fact that they look nothing alike." He pulled down the blanked covering one of the boy and saw a name written on his clothes. "Hm... 'Yuno'." He read the name as he then noticed a blue pendant next to the baby. He then looked at the other baby. "And now this spirited little fell-" 


Orsi couldn't finish as he received a kick to the face from said spirited baby, which sent him back a bit and caused him to bleed from his nose. "Ow! Maybe a bit to spirited." He said as he tried to wiped the blood from his nose. He let out a chuckle when he saw that the baby revealed his name himself. "'Asta.' huh?" He read the name written on his clothes. "Well you've had a thought beginning, but your worries are over. As of today, boys, this church will be your home." he declared as Asta flailed around in his basket and let out adorable baby noises as a soft light shine in chest barely noticeable. 

"Asta and Yuno . . ."

15 years later.

Fifteen years have passed since Asta and Yuno were left at the church of Have Village and a lot has changed since then.

But wait a moment? Where's that famous screaming you may wonder?

Well, our protagonist of this story, Asta, was currently training really hard.

Asta was in the demon skull in Hage. "997, 998, 999 and 1000!!" Asta counted his one hand stand push ups. He then jumped and landed on his feet and chugged down some mogro leaf juice.

Asta then stopped drinking and sat down and grab his notebook, which was always by his side.

He then held a pen and notebook in hand and continued his previous drawing. It was a girl, with hair tied in pigtails, with her center bangs over her forehead. Asta's drawings held no colors, but the detail was so incredible that the drawing almost seemed alive. Asta blew on the paper and smiled at his accomplishment. He then flipped the pages of his notebook and looked at the other drawings he made.

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