Another new member

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OMG!! Noelle was so difficult to write in this chapter!! I forgot how bichty she used to be!


"Here it is: your room." Magna said as Asta looked around in his new room in small awe. "Dank, huh? Not to mention oppressively cramped and filthy." The fire mage laughed. "You should see mine. It's twice the siz-" He was abruptly cut off by Asta.

"My room! No way!" Asta said with tears in his eyes, happy at the thought of having his own room. He was so happy he didn't realized that Magna was trying to boast.

"Wait, you're actually happy?" Magna said, visibly taken back by Asta's reaction. Asta then explain how he ever got a room of his own back at his church in Hage and how it was really cramped.

Asta then went forward and clean his new room at blinding speeds, using his Keyblade's water magic and wind magic. Magna smiled and was about to leave until he remembered he had something to tell. "Oh, hey, one more thing, Asta." Magna started gaining the young keyblade wielder's attention. "Make sure you take some time to write. Your folks back home deserve a letter. They're your family right?" He said with a smile on his face.

Asta responded with a smile and nodded. "Right!"

After Magna left Asta finished cleaning his new room within minutes and began writing a letter for his family in Hage. It was at times like these that Asta was glad he was an artist as a hobby, since it helped his writing. Once he was done with his letter he sent if off and went to straight bed.


Asta opened his eyes thinking he would wake up in the church he grew up in, but much to his surprise he woke up in his new room in the Black Bulls headquarters. The Keyblade wielder smiled and summoned his Keyblade.

Once the magical weapon appeared in his hand, he giggled happily. "Yep, still not a dream!" Asta said as he grabbed his headband and placed it on his head. In a blink of an eye Asta was ready for the day.

In his excitement, Asta opened the door and ran straight into a random column. "Wait a second. I'm pretty sure this column wasn't here yesterday!" He exclaimed.

"Hey, newbie!" Magna called out to Asta. "How's it hangin'?" He asked.

Asta glanced back at the fire mage. "Oh, um. I'm good, thanks." He responded back, but then pointed back at the column. "Was, this column here yesterday?" Asta asked.

Magna shrugged. "Oh, yeah that. Well the base shifts around all the time." He answered Asta's question surprising Asta. "Don't worry you'll get used to it."

Asta rubbed the back of his head. "I knew there was something weird about this place."

"Alright, let's start this tour!"


After a rather lengthy tour, getting Asta familiar with the base they ran at the entrance of the base. Magna stopped as he noticed someone entering the base. Asta bumped into Magna stopping.

Asta wanted to ask why Magna stopped, but before the words came out, he saw the person in front of them.

His eyes widen in shock as he immediately recognized the girl in front of him.

Silver hair tied in pigtails and pink eyes. Asta was sure this was the last person from his dream all those years ago. 'Wait, she's wearing a Black Bulls robe.'

"Well, what do ya know." Magna said snapping Asta out of his thoughts. "It's your fellow rookie. She's our other new member this year."

Asta didn't respond but did think it was cool that the last person from his dream was going to be with him. 'Maybe we could be friends?' Asta thought hopeful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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