Chapter One

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"Yuki wait up!"

"You're slower than a sloth! Come on we have to get there!"

Shurui and Yuki. The purest epitome of brotherhood and best friendship. They were headed for what seemed like a showdown between a dog and a chicken.
Every Sunday, hidden in the slums, a battle takes places between two different sources of animals. Yuki had been waiting like a cat on hot bricks for this event and it was finally here. Shurui agreed upon joining him, even if he is indifferent about it, he never wants to leave Yuki alone, his heart is too much of a worrywart to try such a thing, and so he agreed to go, even though he would rather read a manga book he found at his house. Leaving the earliest they could was the best thing they can do to get front row seats, however, trouble knocked at the door of the Slums.

"Hey! Move it!" teetering at the outer edge of the ring, Yuki was pulled by his ice white hair onto the ground.

Belligerent boys were quite abundant in this particular slum. And these boys were the worst of their kind. From the slightest sight of the maroon hair and dark brown No adults. No authority. So out here, in these's hunt or be hunted.

"Step away from my brother!"

"Shurui you don't have-"
"He didn't do anything to you bullies!"

" now little Shu wants to play hero. Don't you know that it's the heroes that always end up hurt, not the civilian?"

"So what. I won't allow anyone to mess with my brother. And don't call me Shu, that's only for Yuki"

"Listen to yourself! Talking as though you two are ACTUALLY brothers! And Yuki is older than you, he's ten and you're nine, so why do you have to protect him!?
He should fight his own battles! Stupid freaks!"

Shurui stood in front of Yuki, like a wall protecting him. His act of kindness was mixed with ignorance. Because of this, he was distracted and received a punch to the face from Ren. He filtered his mixture of emotions, leaving kindnes as the filtrate, to protect his best friend.

The cool afternoon sun and paper-thin clouds painted themselves magnificently in the sky. The match between the two faunas ended when the battle between Shurui and Ren started. Equal pain and bruises were given, but the battle was stopped after blood was spattered, by both ends.

"Shu, you didn't have to fight for me.
I could have done it"

"It's no big deal. I wanted to protected you, besides, I'm not that impor-"

"Don't you dare say it!" the out burst brought about a moment of silence.

"Shu you are important. You've been important to me since we met, so don't say it"

"Okay. I won't. Thanks"

"Thanks too"
"Now come on Yuki! We have to go and do what I want now!"

"But....but I can't......I can't swim!!!"

"Ah it's okay, but run on the ground like naruto"
"Shurui stop laughing!"

"Sorry but, you would look ridiculous!"

"I'm sorry I didn't know I was a mirror today"

".....SSSHUT UP!"

They ran and laughed to the creek where they both ran like naruto on the ground floor of the water. Shurui shouted.

"Who looks ridiculous now?!"

"Look at the water and you will know!"

Shurui saw his reflection shift in the water and then he knew, who looked

The Adventure of Shurui and YukiWhere stories live. Discover now