Chapter Three

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Peculiar. Spooky. Soft, but deep. A voice sounded in Chintaman's head. He thought he was only dreaming, but it got louder and louder. His eye lids moved and slowly they opened. He recognized his surroundings. A hotel room.

"It's you...what....what do you want?" his voice hinted fear.

"......." the voice spoke inaudibly as if it used the wind to communicate instead.

"I understand what you're saying but time is my friend and my enemy.

He wasted no more time. His sleep caught him again with the connection of the simple pillow. Hopefully, he knew what he was getting himself into. Or in this case, who.

"WAKE UP EVERYONE!" Shurui's shouting broke the sleep paralysis and dream of Yuki.

"Shurui, it's 5:30. What is your problem, are you trying to tick me off?"

"You know you used to be so much sweeter and kinder. I don't know how you turned this way"

"I grew up that's how. Besides, you know in the mornings I'm a total grump"

"Well you got worst"

"Oh well. Good night. Wake me up in an hour"

"Oh really....alright"

Shurui allowed an hour to pass, however chose to wake him up differently.

"Chintaman, do me favour, open Yuki's mouth" "But, why, what are you-...EWW!"

"SShhhhhhhhhh, not so loud"
"That is nasty Shurui!" he shout whispered.

Shurui positioned himself by Yuki's head, with a raw egg at his mouth.

"He's gonna be pissed at you"

Once cracked open, the slippery protein slipped perfectly from the eggshell and into him mouth, in which he swallowed and woke up instantly bulbous eyed.


"What was that mama?" said the young boy.

"An activity you don't have to learn about until you're a teenager, now cover your ears and continue walking" the mother responded vaguely then whispered.

"It's 6:30 in the morning, Jesus Christ"


"FOR YOU TO KILL ME! I DON'T THINK SO! BUT YOUR REACTION WAS FUNNY!" Shurui laughed from across the room.

"When I get my friggin fridging fralala fridgit..."


"You guys ready to go?" Chintaman was quick.
"You're ready already?"

"Well I got ready while you two were arguing and playing with the pillows"

Shurui smiled at Yuki as he rolled his eyes and smiled back anyway. Before leaving Zenchi Village, a bit more supplies were needed. So it was to the shops in the Village they travelled first.
In town square, sequestered in a street opposite a silver sculptured monument, 'Chrono's Style Of Fashion' seated itself on the ochre ground. Diminutive externally, but internally, it was quite the ostentatious shop.

"Could this even be called a shop?" Yuki questioned the group.

"Well certainly doesn't appear like one" answered Chintaman with his head turning left and right.

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