Chapter Six

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Morning light shone through the little window on the underground
dungeon. They did not survive for long.
“You can’t keep us here forever!” Yuki shouted.
“Let us go immediately!” Ziora used her authority.
“I'm sorry your highness, it was the king's order to put in the dungeon
after the escape you tried to pull. Ron, watch the prisoners”
“Uh…y-yes sir…”
“Hey you…Ron is it?” Shurui asked.
“How old are you?”
“I’m 17, why?”
“Well you can get us out of here right?”
“No, I was to watch you but I don’t have the key”
“Damn it”
“But um… did you get in there anyway? Our king is a very
generous one so I was surprised when he used the dungeon. Much less
put his daughter in it too. Where is the other friend? The boy”
“Chintaman? He escaped”
“Can you tell me what happened? I mean you have nothing else better
to do…”
“True enough…”
“We linked a bunch of sheets together and threw it out Ziora's window.
As we were climbing down it didn’t take long for a guard to spot us at
the side of a huge building”
“Damn it they spotted us!” Yuki uttered nervously still climbing down.
“We've got to run! This way!” Ziora led us into the garden where she
used her ability of nature control to hold off the guards. I didn’t know if
to fight them or not, because after all they were just doing their job.
But Nyozom here was an ardent one and created a distraction for us to
escape. We ran until the forest trees surrounded us. Enclosed we were
in semi darkness. Though we were together it was hard to see a lot.
Then Yuki switches with Warm and he created fire for us to view the
forest clearer. However that shining flame had it's disadvantages. The
guards knew where we were from the light. So just when we thought
we got away, an airship was approaching us! The King was not kidding
around with this. He really didn’t want his daughter going anywhere.
“Yuki! Keep going and protect everyone! I'll hold them off here!” Shurui
spoke with a force.
“Shu I can’t leave you here to fight all!-“
“Just go! Don't worry about me…you're not the only one that had
gained more power over the years” Shurui drew his flame katana. Its
normal form coated midnight black and his now released form ablaze in
flames. His sword scorched in flames and lit up the area around him.
With a leap in the air, soaring above the trees, he rose his flame sword
with both hands and with a single wave slashing motion, a huge
crescent-shaped flame was shot to the airship. Its fabric burning and
crashing in the forest. As he got back on the ground he noticed more
guards on foot approaching. But this bevvy of humans were of one
hundred soldiers trembling in fear of death, but they had a job to do.
“All of this just so she can’t come with us?! Is this King crazy?!”
Shurui decided to attack close range with him body. A punch here, a
elbow to the face there and a roundhouse kick in the rear. They all
decided to attack at once this time. Shurui didn’t have time to activate
his sword and so was buried under a mountain of soldiers.
“Damn it!!” Shurui shouted activating his sword. It's flames brightened.
Vivid red sparked out of control swelling around all the guards and
removing them one by one.
“I admire your courage to face such a flawless person as myself, but
your battle and wounds will soon be proven to be futile. HALO
FLAMES!” Just as there were many soldiers there were many clones of
fire. Clones in the form of Shurui himself and eyes with hue of red and
designs swirled with dots and lines.
“Now…I’m done wasting my time on you frivolous creatures…” Shurui
swiftly turned on his heel, and walked away. Giving the guards a losing
“Shurui! Take my hand!”
“Yeah hurry!”
He took a good grip of Chintaman's hand and as quickly as the
connection was felt, they vanished. The forest was darker than usual by
now. The deeper they go the blacker it gets.
“So that’s how you use your power? But I thought you said you can only
teleport yourself?”
“It was true for what I told you, but if I want to teleport someone else I
will have to give up my ability to teleport for two days”
“Oh…what about two people?”
“The more people I teleport the more days I can’t use my power. One
person equals two days of no usage of it. But if I teleport more than 6
people, I lose my power forever”
“Ah I see…”
“And you know, back there you didn’t have to call them creatures, they
are humans too”
“Humans that are below me you mean..”
“You guys made it, come on let's get out of here before she-“
“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!” A sudden act of electrocution was struck
upon them. Unconscious and smoked clothing, they were weak and
“Wrap them up and take them away..”
“Yes ma’am!”
“Li…ge…a…” Ziora spoke her name, too tired and defeated to
pronounce it fully.
When we all woke up, we were locked in here. I suppose Chintaman got
away to try and find help or a way out of here.
“Wwwaaaaaaawwwww….so intriguing! Mister Shurui sir can you teach
me your power?!”
“Ahhhh…Shurui is fine and I can’t. It's one of the powers of the
universe. I don’t think these things can be taught at all”
Coming suddenly, a huge bang was heard on the door, then a manly
scream. As the door fell off its hinges and onto the ground, there was
Chintaman standing idly by staring at his team.
“Howdy partners!!”
“Howdy!!!!” They all responded. Chintaman had stolen the key from
the guard who held them. Him and the younger guard watching over
the cell stared at each other, Chintaman more intensely.
“Are you gonna get in my way?”
“Actually no, I love all this commotion so please create more! Go ahead
save your friends!”
Still staring at him intensely with suspicion, he walked to the cell with
his eyes pasted on him and opened it. As they all took their leave from
the dungeon, footsteps were already heard down the corridor of the
hallway. Yuki switched with Icy and with no time to waste, he froze the
atmosphere bringing the temperature to below what a human cannot
bare. Warm appeared next putting everyone near a small ball of fire for
warmth. Down the hallway, guards were strewn all over the floor. Their
skin of purple-blue colours.
“Icy you might have gone a bit too far, we don’t wanna kill them”
“Chintaman without death fighting is no fun…but whatever” outside he
let go of the temperature he was controlling.
“Ziora who was the woman with the electric lines in that gadget on her
“That's Ligea. She doesn’t have powers like Nyozom but she invented
that gadget upon her hand to take down her enemies easier. I was
gonna warn you but she was already here. She is also my future step
mom's sister…” Ziora uttered, baffling everyone.
“Wow…” Shurui came out.
“Well that explains the dark purple lipstick and black hair, pixie cut”
Yuki said linking the appearances together.
“Chintaman where are we going?!” Shurui asked him out loud as he was
too distant to hear a whisper.“We are going to steal an airship! Well at least try too!”
Running to a room with aircrafts, it was already filled with guards.
“How many guards does your dad have!?” Shurui questioned Ziora.
“Lots I tell you lots”
They stopped inside the room opposing the guards. Ready for round
“I got this one you guys” Nyozom coyly smiled. With fifty in the room
against one, this was a good opportunity for him to use full power. He
charged himself up with yellow and white electricity. His hands
electrocuted the ground causing a shock upon all. One by one they all
fell. One was left standing…
“Now it's you vs I...let the battle begin” Ligea ran quickly while dodging
the strikes of lightning from Nyozom. She kicked him in the stomach
too hard for comfort. Nyozom rose, spiky-haired, glowing eyes of fierce
competitiveness. He struck the ground once again, her leap in the air
caused a miss fire. She then noticed the white lightning coming out of
his back. Too late for a reaction, she was hit by the lightning. Being her
“Well…she was certainly a tough one…let’s go” the battle puzzled them
all but they pressed on. Taking an airship, and flying out the palace's
aircraft opening in front of them.
“We made it! Later suckers!” Ziora shouted to the palace.
“Young lady you come back this instant!!!”
“Sorry Daddy you know your daughter already…she’s a wild card!!”
“And I love her!!!”
“And I love him!!!! Feel so good to finally say that out loud to him”
“Wanna kiss in front of him?”
“Sure” a kiss confirming their undying love for each other and an
astonished face upon the father. Two down, three more to go. And
their last stop was Village Paradaisu, a secluded and small one. But with
the aircraft, spotting it shouldn’t be a problem.

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