Chapter Four

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Prior to the ambush by the mysterious person, most of the supplies were left behind. Only the food was being gripped by Shurui. Not many hours to sleep was given to the group and so everyone was tired like a soccer mom.

"I should have gotten more beauty sleep. I am so drowsy..." Yuki said this with a wide yawn.

"I never knew clowns had beauty, or needed beauty sleep since not even sleep could cure their ugliness"

"Says the one who plays jokes, like a clown, entertain others terribly, like a clown and plays dress up, like a clown"

"I don't play dress-up"

"Oh please, you wanted to change three times in the last few hours, you play dress up more than my elder sister, and they were only thirteen"

"Seriously you two? It's not even 10am yet"

"He started it" they said together.

"I don't care who started it, stop arguing"

Danger was never far from this adventure they pressed on in. Their alacrity were of the weakest ever known. Slugged shoulders, dropping eyes, trembling feet, worn-out arms that hung listlessly at their sides.

This showed them how important sleep is for a human. From where they were sluggishly walking, on the map it would take them just a few hours, 6 or so, to arrive in Hakari Village. But they were press for time.

F.O.R.K could be doing something horrendous at the moment, however what were they to do? Only hope that he is sleeping in his cage. Was it due, or was it fog? Mist maybe. The atmosphere around them thickened with each meter they travelled. Gray cloud-like, gassy substance. It wasn't mist, nor fog. Something else was happening. And something was happening to them.

[No....I mustn't sleep......I have to press........] Yuki's thoughts were halted by his falling body. As he hit the ground, his breathing never sounded so peaceful.

"Yuki.......Yuki......wake" then came Shurui's body concatenating with the Earth's coat of vegetation and soil.

Chintaman was walking up ahead to see what was it that was puffing smoke out into the air. Though his vision was clouded with tears and the mist like substance. He took a cursory glance at the thick-headed figure before collapsing.

"Those are........Gregitus grits..." Morpheus, the God of sleep, took over from there. Gregitus grits. Powerful plants known for there abilities of hypnosis, illusion, delusion and confusion. The vivid yellow petals form a mouth-like shape by closing in on each other.

Then as it folds the petals in and pushed them out again, puffs of smoke is release into the atmosphere that have the power to knock you out in a delusion. Such delusions are no walk in the park and fun in the sun. No. These plants re-enact the worst of your past and brings it to life as you
awake from slumber. Until they are slaughtered, they will be trapped in a lifetime of hypnosis, illusion, delusion and confusion.

Other than destroying the two-faced
creatures of nature, if one can come in contact with a good thing or reminder of the worst part of their past, their minds will be freed. That's to say if they can.

"Mom....Dad....are you here?" Shurui dreamt of his parents, and soon enough he awoke with an illusion of them in front of him.

"Where are you taking my mother? What about my father?" Yuki watched as the duke took his entire family into slavery. He arose seeing his parents in chains.

"YOU STUPID, ARRAGONT, RATCHET, LITTLE RAT!" Chintaman viewed his sister pelting glass bottles and vases at his head, as he tried to dodge then, but not without some injuries in his feet as he stepped on the broken glass pieces.

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