Requested by • Creepypastagrill9192
The sky has been a dark shade of gray the
entire day. Yet it never rained.The clouds were gonna leave anyways so Giyu had nothing to worry about.
Giyu sat by his window staring outside. The clouds were still there. He couldn't see any stars because of them. He let out a small sigh.
The door to his room creaked open. Sabito stood there, the hallway light shining behind him. He couldn't see his face since giyus room was basically pitch black. He switched the light on making giyu shut his eyes in reaction.
"What are you doing here in the dark?"
He laughed and walked over to giyus bed and sat down. Giyu shrugged and continued looking out the window.
"It helps the vibe...i guess."
Sabito laid back and stretched his arms out.
They sat there in silence for a good few minutes. It was oddly comfortable. Giyu kept watching the clouds, anxious of what they might do.
"Hey Sabito?"
Sabito opened his eyes and look over to where Giyu sat.
Giyu looked at the male.
"Did you notice that the whole day it's been cloudy, yet it never rained?"
Sabito sat up, leaning back using his arms for support behind him. He smirked.
"Yeah i noticed. They're storing up all the rain for the big storm that's about to hit."
Giyu didn't say anything. He just turned back to look out the window. Sabito got up from the bed with a smile.
"Well, im gonna go to bed now~"
He walked over to the door and switched the lights off.
"Good night Giyu. If you need anything, I'll be in my room."
He shut the door. The room was back to complete darkness. Giyu brought his knees up to his chest and hugged them.
'A storm huh?'
After a few minutes of staring outside, Giyu decided to get to bed before the storm could even begin. He got under his covers and shoved his face into his pillow. He sighed and ended up staring at the ceiling for who knows how long. He couldn't get to sleep.
'A storm? When though? Isn't it taking too long?'
Giyu sighed and finally decided it was time for him to sleep. He turned to his side and hugged one of his pillows tightly. His eyebrows furrowed. No matter how comfortable he was he was uncomfortable. He couldn't get to sleep. He was anxious about the storm. How big is it gonna be? How long will it last? Is it worth staying up for? Obviously not. Giyu groaned and curled up into a ball. After finally not moving for about 10 minutes he began drifting off.

Sabito x Giyuu Oneshots
Fanfictionstory ideas are hard to make up sometimes but i am trying requests are open!!!