Chapter Eleven: Breaking Ranks

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I watch with disinterest as Cameron smears an excessive amount of make-up on her face. She really does try too hard. She eyes me through the mirror while I lounge on my bed, scrolling through Instagram. I really should tell her, but I don't. We've always had a strangely competitive friendship.

"What's your problem today? You're about to have a party in like half an hour."

I shrug. "Nothing."

"Are you and Dylan not getting along?" She pouts her lips together after applying a questionable shade of lip gloss. I really should be a better friend and point these things out to her.

With a sigh I stand and walk over to my closet. "He's fine. I'm just not really that into him."

She looks at me like I'm crazy. "What more do you need, Elle? Practically everyone wants to date him and of course, he picked you."

I arch an eyebrow. "Was that sarcasm I detect?"

She rolls her eyes before going back to caking on another layer of mascara. "Seriously, you're never grateful for anything. You acted the same way with Judah."

I narrow my eyes at her. "Judah acted like a dick most of the time."

"Then why did you date him for years?"

I toss another dress to the floor after contemplating changing for the third time. "I don't know. It was easy I guess." I pause and chew on the tip of my fingernail for a moment. "We got along just fine and it never really went that deep."

Cameron laughs. "That deep, huh? I would say your sexual chemistry was pretty strong."

"Yeah, that's about all it was."


"Don't you want more than that? A real connection with someone that actually means something."

She shrugs. "As long as he's hot I don't really care."

And I thought I was shallow.


An hour later, my backyard is filled to capacity. It's getting into late September, but the air is still warm enough for a few drunken idiots to swim around in my pool. I side step past a couple practically having sex on one of my lounge chairs and walk toward Dylan. He grins over at me, and I suddenly feel guilty. He's an innocent casualty in all this. I really should set him free before this goes too far.

He throws his arm around my shoulder and kisses the side of my head. "Hey, I was wondering where you got to."

I plaster a smile on my face because this is a party and I'm supposed to be having fun, right?

"I had to make my rounds. Say hi to everyone and make sure nobody drowned yet. You know, the usual."

"I hear that." He tilts his beer back while my eyes continue to scan around the party. Oliver is no doubt lurking around somewhere, although he's yet to be seen. He said that he and Hunter were going to the bar downtown, but he has a habit of popping up when you least expect him. It bothers him to no end that he can't go to parties anymore now that he's a teacher—and I love throwing it in his face. Both of them seriously need to grow up.

I'm starting to catch a nice buzz when a commotion over by the garages gets my attention. I walk away from Dylan to the crowd that's forming. As I get closer, my heart drops when I see Judah's smiling face in the middle of it. This is the last thing I want to deal with right now.

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