Chapter 1 Uchiha Sasuke

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A black raven haired boy named Uchiha Sasuke is from a well known clan called the Uchiha clan, he has eyes as black as the midnight sky. Everyone in the clan has sharingan eyes and mostly everyone has black hair and black eyes. The Uchiha clan is known for their fire element techniques like fire breathing.

Sasuke has an older brother named Uchiha Itachi(btw Itachi never killed his clan). Itachi is a young prodigy, he became an Anbu at the age of 11. Sasuke really looks up to his older brother and wants to surpass him one day.

Sasuke is a trouble maker(but not like Naruto though), he doesn't really care about anyone except his family, he always likes to be alone, he doesn't pay attention in class unless he's interested, he picks fights and he has a temper as well. Because of his attitude, he's already been expelled from 3 different academies and is about to go to the 4th academy, the 4th academy is called Konoha academy(I'm not sure if there are different academies in Konoha but let's pretend there is).

It's early in the morning and Sasuke said bye to his mother to head off to the academy.

"Bye son, I love you, if you get expelled again you'll be grounded for 3 months, have to do chores to help around the house for 2 and a half months, no video games or snacks for 1 and a half months and I won't help you train for 1 and a half months. Do we have it clear? Don't get expelled." Sasuke's mother(Mikoto) said as she activated her sharingan.

The raven has shivers down his spine and was choking by the tense in the air. "I'll try." replied Sasuke then he walks out of the Uchiha compound to the academy. While the raven was walking to the academy, he heard people saying he was handsome and talking about how he was from the famous Uchiha clan. Many girls and some boys stared at Sasuke admiring him while others stared in jealousy. The raven ignored everything and just continued his way to the academy.

(In the classroom)

"Oi, Naruto, are you ok today? You're early and not late like usual." asked Kiba

"Yeah I'm fine, I just woke up early that's all." replied a blonde haired boy.

"Silence! Everyone sit down, we have a new student today." said Iruka-sensei

'I'm always amazed by Iruka-sensei's Big head jutsu, the classroom was so noisy and everyone was doing their own thing but after Iruka-sensei used his Big head jutsu everyone quiet down and went back to their seats like Iruka-sensei told them to do.' thought Naruto.

"Alright come in." said Iruka-sensei.

The raven walked into the classroom and introduced himself as Uchiha Sasuke from the Famous Uchiha clan. After Sasuke looked up at the classroom, a pair of sapphire sky blue eyes immediately caught the raven's attention. Whose eyes were they?

To be continued...


This is the first story I've written/typed on Wattpad so it might not be that good but I hoped you enjoyed the chapter but this chapter is boring though.

!DISCLAIMER: Naruto does not belong to me!

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