chapter twenty-nine

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Willow's P.O.V

I woke up in my bed and the tiredness soon hit me once again. I fell back on the bed, exhausted.

Billie and I ended up, going on a long drive after dinner, not anywhere specifically, just a long drive on the quiet streets.

I nearly forgot that she was sleeping beside me as I looked at Billie to see her sleeping peacefully. I smiled as I looked at her face as her hair messily covered the pillow.

I decided to take a shower, to get rid of the weary I had been feeling. Slowly getting up, I made my way into the washroom, trying my best not to wake Billie up.


I stepped out of the steam-filled shower and grabbed my bathrobe. Putting it over my body, I loosely tied it around my waist. Opening the door of the washroom, I saw Billie sitting up on the bed, on her phone.

She looked up at me and smiled as she saw me get out of the washroom.

"Morning baby." She said in a raspy voice as she walked towards me.

"Good morning." I replied, smiling.

As she stood in front of me, she slowly tugged at the edge of my bathrobe, with a slight smirk on her face.

"Billie, no." I responded, trying to keep a serious expression on my face. She rolled her eyes at my reply and walked past me. "Well, your loss." She said, as she stepped into the bathroom and smiled at me.

She quickly shut the door, leaving me completely confused by what she just did.

Shrugging it off, I decided to get ready to head to the library. I had to catch up with some more assignments and also had to keep track with my lessons.

I quickly put on a pair of blue jeans and a plain white top, and proceeded to sit down in front of my vanity.

As I took out my makeup bag and brushes, Billie stepped out of the washroom, which made me turn my head and look at her.

"You've anywhere to go?" She asked, and I hummed a yes.


"The library." I replied as I took out a tube of foundation.

"I was thinking I could introduce you to one of my friends, I was meeting up with her today." Billie responded.

"I still have a lot of shitty homework to complete, but maybe later?" I suggested and she nodded with a smile.

She walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, with her chin resting on top of my head. She looked straight ahead, at the mirror, causing me to stop what I was doing.

We stared at our reflection and I saw her smile. "You're the most stunning person I've seen." She whispered and I smiled widely. She quickly gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Well I'm gonna meet up with her. But call me when you're back from the library." She replied.

"Oo, who's she?" I asked, trying not to sound clingy in any way.

"Drew," She replied and smiled. "I'm pretty sure you know her."

I looked at her and smiled, slightly nodding. "She's fucking amazing. Tell her I said hi." I replied and she laughed, agreeingly.

"Do you by any chance have anything I could wear?" She asked, and I gestured towards the closet.

"I still have that shirt you gave me, I washed it and kept it." I replied and I saw her slightly smirk from the corner of my eye. "Did the shirt smell good?" She asked teasingly and I groaned slightly embarrassed. "When're you gonna stop with that?" I exclaimed, and she laughed funnily. "When I please."

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