15| i'm done, so done.

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Monday rolled around fairly quickly after that and Laura's biology presentation went anything but smoothly. For one, Oliver failed to show up so she had to present the project by herself, with only half the information.

He handled the analysis side of the assignment and without it, what was the point of showing the evidence if you can't explain it? Laura bullshitted her way through the seven-minute speech, reinforcing a number of times that her partner had part of the project.

The teacher, of course, had no understanding whatsoever. All she said was how they should know to share all parts of the project with all members, so this exact situation would now occur.

Laura simply rolled her eyes and sat down, mentally preparing for the terrible grade she and Oliver would receive. To be fair, he deserved it. She didn't. Listening to the rest of the presentations, hers already felt inferior.

Murmurs were making their way around the room, she spun her head to see Martha and Tahlia chatting quietly in the back. Laura didn't fail to notice the sparkle in her friend's eyes.

It was only when Oliver showed up out of nowhere, that her heart plummeted to the ground. He walked in the door, not bothering to knock or acknowledge the teacher before taking a seat beside her.

She took in his appearance and the very sight of him made her want to wrap him in a blanket and make him a warm cup of cocoa. He looked utterly and totally dishevelled and she had a feeling it wasn't from the hangover that lurked from Saturday. She was feeling it, so he definitely would, but something inside told her that wasn't it.

He made no effort to greet Laura, just took out his notebook and started scribbling over the pages. While another pair were presenting, she had to be very quiet to talk to him.

Gently, she bumped his shoulder. He jolted forward, leading her to flinch too, "Are you okay?" She whispered softly.

"Fine," he snapped, shrugging off the hand she'd laid on his shoulder.

Laura sunk back into her chair in an effort to hide. Sure, he'd been cruel to her before but never cold. At least, never this cold.

His voice was metallic when he spoke, almost inhumane. Through the look on his face and the way he was digging his nails into his forearms, she knew something far worse had occurred during the weekend.

She dove deep into his mind, picking apart his thoughts as she did with the frog specimen that they were supposed to report their findings on.

Why does she always take his side on these things? For christ sake, they weren't even home. Why do they care if I have people over? I'm done. I'm so done. This, just-- everything, it's not worth it anymore. I can't keep doing this...I can't--

"Hey, Laura?" Oliver looked up to her with a frail smile.


He makes eye contact for a brief second, whispering under his breath, "I'm sorry I wasn't here for the presentation."

authors note:

hey ya'll! how are things? not great? yeah, me too. things will get better tho, I promise!

anyways, in regards to ASBATGWCRHM...some pretty big things are coming up, so get ready you guys! this was a short chapter, but it felt like the right place to end : )

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mads 🌻

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