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It was the first day of school and you're excited to go to your dream school, Karasuno High. Although it was just your first day, you already knew which club you want to join : The girl's volleyball club. You weren't particular interested in volleyball until you saw Karasuno's volleyball match at the National's. Seeing how the Little Giant soared throughout the game, inspired you to be someone like him.

( P.S You're quite short but pretty good looking  )

You arrived in class (Note: your class is 1-3 ) and sat down at your seat which is just beside the window. Beside you was a tall guy with black hair and dark blue gem-like eyes . You couldn't believe that someone as handsome as him would be your seatmate, the pure sight of him made your cheeks warm. Your heart fluttered for a second but you pulled yourself together so that you could focus on the upcoming classes. 


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At lunch break, you hurried down towards the gym so that you could sign up for the girl's volleyball club. When you arrive at the entrance of the gym, you saw your seatmate and another small boy, who is just as tall as you are, with orange hair. They were arguing with their club application forms in their hands. It seemed like they have been kicked out from the club.

' Excuse me, can you tell me where I can sign up for the Girl's volleyball team? ' You asked and both of the boys turned around to face you. The orange haired boy blushed at the sight of you but the tall one seemed to recognize you.

' Uhh, you're the one in my class right? ' He asked with a soft blush on his face. Surprised that he recognized you, you replied ' Yeah, I am. My name is Akira ( y/n ) ' .

' I'm Hinata Shouyo from Class 1-1!'   interrupted the tangerine boy, grinning like the sun. ' How cute ' you thought to yourself.

' I'm Kageyama Tobio. Your seatmate. ' introduced the taller one.

 ' introduced the taller one

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'Nice to meet you! '  You smiled at them cheerfully and waved goodbye since you still needed to apply to your volleyball club.

( Note : You guys will share the same gym unlike in the anime cause we need some heart-throbs for this fanfic )

The volleyball club usually starts in the evening as soon as school ends and you've been looking forward to it the most. Finally, the long school day was over and you ran as quick as you can to the gym.

When you arrived to the gym, you introduced yourself to the girl's team and the captain of the girl's volleyball team, Yui Michimiya, introduced you to the boy's team as well. Tanaka, Sugawara, Daichi, Hinata, Kageyama as well as the manager Kiyoko Shimizu all welcomed you with open arms.

You smiled happily since you had the feeling that it's gonna be a fun year.

A/N : I'm just writing this for funn! Also, please excuse my grammatical errors if I made them! 

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