Chapter Twelve : Cultural Festival

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 (A/N : Oh my fricking god. I got 1.1k reads. Thank you all so much. This really means a lot to me )

The next day ~ 

You sat down at your desk and was getting ready for school as you seatmate sat down at his desk, yawning.

( You switched back seats with Hikari after making up with Kageyama ) 

' It's just morning why are you yawning? ' you teased. 

' I'm not a morning person, I like to sleep but I like volleyball more ' he replied.

' Hmm what about Milk? ' you asked smirking. 

' It's after volleyball...I think... ' he said and you burst out laughing at how much he's taking it seriously. 

' Shut up dumbass' Just as he said those words, the school bell rang.

' Okay class, today we're gonna talk about the cultural festival. Our class will have to do something for it. Any ideas? ' the teacher announced. 

' We should do a play '

' Boringg. We should do a concert '

' The music club is going to do that! Let's do a cooking show ' the voices of students took over the class. It was a noisy moment.

' Oi dumbass, what do you think we should do? ' Kageyama asked.

' Ehh....umm...I don't really know. Maybe a cafe? ' you replied. Your reply was loud enough for both Hikari and Haru to hear.

' Y/n-chan that's such a good idea ' Hikari beamed. You smiled awkwardly. 

( A/N : I did not draw this

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( A/N : I did not draw this. I found it online. Credits to the owner of this pic. This pic got Haru vibes so I just gotta put it lol. ) 

' Sensei! ' Haru raised his hand and all of the students attention was placed on him. 

' I would like to propose to the class for the idea of a Cafe. Maybe a cosplay cafe? ' he said.

' Woaahh, that's a nice idea '

' I want to see the girls in a maid outfit. Good job Haru ' the boys gave a thumbs up to Haru. 

' I want to see Haru in a pilot uniform or a general uniform. Kyaa~ ' the girls squealed. 

' I don't mind it if you all agree. I'll put you up in groups so you can start working on it ' the teacher announced and started pairing the students into a group of four.

' Then the last group will be y/n, Kageyama, Haru and Hikari. Start working on it now. You can change your seats into group positions if that suits you ' saying that, the homeroom teacher left. 

' Hey y/n-chan! Let's all sit together ' Hikari suggested. You nodded in agreement. 

' Tch..why do I have to be paired up with him? ' Kageyama mumbled.

 You nudged him slightly with your arm ' Come on, be nice blueberry ' and stuck your tongue out. So all of you were sitting face to face now. Right in front of you is Haru, beside you is Kageyama and in front of Kageyama is Hikari. 

' So what kind of cosplay you guys want to do? ' Haru asked.

' I don't really know. I've never cosplayed before ' you replied.

' Ehhh really? I think you'd look good in everything y/n-chan ' Haru smiled at you.

' T-thanks  ' you answered with a slight pink on your cheeks. Of course you didn't expect the most handsome guy in class to compliment you that way. But to you, the most handsome guy is  someone else.. 

' Tch...' said the blueberry beside you.

' How about we cosplay as anime couples? ' Hikari suggested. 

' That's a nice idea Hikari-chan ' Haru agreed.

' I'm not opposed to that' Kageyama also agreed and you nodded in agreement.

' So the question now is who will pair up with who? ' Hikari made a thinking gesture.

' I will pair up with Y/n ' Kageyama announced.

' No, I will' Haru retorted back. 

' It's only fair I do because I'm her seatmate ' Kageyama shot daggers to Haru.

' Then why did you make her cry? ' Haru defended his side. Both you and Hikari sweatdropped.  

' Okay stop. Let's think of the costumes first ' you break apart the two glaring boys. 

' I wanna do some cute ones ' Hikari said. 

' Me too! ' you gave her a high five. 

' You're already cute' Kageyama mumbled under his breath but it was loud enough for you to hear. A blush made its way to your cheeks and you tried to hide it by looking at the front, only to find Haru looking up at you.

 A blush made its way to your cheeks and you tried to hide it by looking at the front, only to find Haru looking up at you

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' This isn't good for me. What am I gonna do? Why am I feeling this way? ' you asked yourself but no particular answer came to your mind. 

Hikari noticing your weird expression spoke up ' Hey Y/n-chan! Wanna have a sleepover today? ' 

Hearing that made you feel so much better and you replied ' Yess ! ' 

( A/N : I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm getting so stressed with school and this is literally my favorite thing to do. Anyway, have a good day/night. )

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