Chapter Thirteen : Sleepover

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( Edited~ ) 

' Okay now back to the costumes and the pairing ' Haru interrupted you and Hikari. Both of you nodded and started getting into a serious mood.

' We should just do a lucky draw' you said. The other three agreed. 

' Okay let's do it ' Kageyama said and you started making two paper rolls.  You wrote down your name and Hikari's name down on the paper and asked the boys to close their eyes.

' Okay now you can choose but open it together alright? ' you said putting your hands out so they can choose a roll of paper from your palm. Haru picked first and then Kageyama.

' Okay One...Two...Three..Open! ' you said and both of the boys rolled out the paper to see the written name.

' Yayyy I got y/n-chan! ' Haru beamed. 

' I got Hikari-chan ' Kageyama said with a slight disappointment in his tone. You shot Hikari a apologetic smile, feeling guilty about the situation you both are in. Hikari didn't seem to mind, she was even intrigued. 

Time skip ~ 

After  school, you asked Hikari her address and changed into your manager uniform. When you got to the gym, the boys were already practicing. 

' Y/n-san can you help with the practice match today? I want you to be the wing spiker for Suga's team ' Coach Ukai asked. 

' I don't have my uniform with me. I don't think I should play in this ' you replied.

' I'll ask the boys to see if they bring any extra clothes ' 

' Hey you guys, did anyone bring an extra set of PE clothes? ' he asked the team.

' I do  ' Kageyama raised his hand.

' Kageyama can you share them to Y/n-san? I want her to be the wing spiker of Suga's team in today's practice match. ' Kageyama nodded and handed the clothes to you.  

You changed your clothes in the changing room but there was a slight problem. Kageyama's Jersey was too big for you.

' It goes way down to my thighs..what am I gonna do? The shoulders are also big ' you said to yourself as you looked in the mirror looking for solutions to fix the problem. Fortunately, you had an extra hair tie, you tie the jersey up into a knot, which showed a little skin between the shirt and the shorts that you're wearing. After that, you fixed your hair into a tight but messy bun. 

As you entered the gym, you saw everyone's attention on you and you felt heat rising to your cheeks

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As you entered the gym, you saw everyone's attention on you and you felt heat rising to your cheeks.

' Y/n-chan, you look good! ' Hinata yelled. The other boys nodded in agreement with a slight blush on their cheeks. In the corner of your eye, you saw Kageyama blushing and looking away. 

' Alright time for practice! ' Coach Ukai announced and you took your position on the court. 

Time Skip ~ 

The match ended with 2-3, giving the win to Kageyama's team. You changed your clothes and pack your things into your bag when Kageyama approached you.  

' Oi boke. Can I come over on Sunday? For Milk and for the preparations of the cultural festival ' he asked.

' Oh sure, my parents won't be there on Sunday though because they're going on a business trip on Saturday. When will you come? ' 

' About 12 '

' Okay I'll give you your clothes tomorrow. Byee. I got to go to Hikari's ' you waved goodbye and went back to your house to grab some pairs of new clothes. Your mom dropped you off at your friend's house after dinner. Hikari welcomed you and both of you went upstairs to her room.

As you put down your bed, you saw Hikari looking at you like she wanted an explanation.

As you put down your bed, you saw Hikari looking at you like she wanted an explanation

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' What? ' you asked.

' Spill it y/n. What's with you today? ' she asked.

''s nothing ' 

' Y/n, I'm your best friend, I know when you're not yourself. Now spill ' she demanded.

' Okay..okay..geez. I'm just confused with my own feelings that's all. I'm friends with this guy..., we have a really close friendship. We've gone through some things together and whenever he's around, I feel happy. I want to be near him. I want his attention, his care. I like being around him and whenever I am, I feel this tingling feeling in my chest. It's almost like excitement because my heart beat raises with the feeling. ' you explained to her.

' Awwnn y/n-chann...You like someone ' she announced happily.

' Like someone? No, its not like that ' you denied.

' What is Hikari saying? I can't like Kageyama right? He only sees me as a friend afterall. What am I gonna do ? ' you sighed as the thought played in your head again and again, overthinking at what would happen later on in the future.

' So who's the lucky guy? ' Hikari asked. You blushed at her question before shaking your head intensely. 

' Okay..okay fine. You can tell me when you're ready. But now ], wanna watch a movie? ' she suggested. You nodded in excitement as both of you chooses what movie to watch. You guys ended up choosing an anime and watched it until 11pm. 

' Hikari, it's late, we should sleep. We still have school tomorrow ' you said.

' Yeah you're right ' she replied as she yawn. Both of you then got ready for bed and slept. 

(A/N : I hope you like this chapter. I'll be updating tomorrow as well. Have a good day/night ~ Thank you for reading ) 

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