Chapter five : Injury

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( Edited ~ ) 
Time skip ~

' So that's what happened huh? ' Hikari asked. You nodded sadly.

' Honestly, I'm gonna teach him a lesson or two '  you chuckled at her trying to be fierce ' And how are you going to do that? T-posing to assert dominance? ' You thanked her for being your friend and she punched you jokingly. Both of you entered class and you saw Kageyama looking at you. You avoided his eye contact quickly and made your way to your new seat which is at the back of Kageyama's seat .

 You avoided his eye contact quickly and made your way to your new seat which is at the back of Kageyama's seat

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' Umm this is Hikari-chan's seat ' your new seatmate announced.

' I'm sorry but I switched seats with her. I'm Akira (y/n). You can call me y/n. ' you greeted him.

' I'm Haruto Kai. You can call me Haru. Nice to meet you. ' he smiled at you.

' So what happened? ' Haru asked. You didn't feel like answering so you kept silent, the awkward silence building up before he decided to break it ' Umm....I don't mean to be rude. I-I just wanted to know cause I saw you ran out of class. A girl like you shouldn't have to cry '  You look at him and he smiled at you. ' I wish some of my friends could be like him too '  

' So tell me about yourself? Do you have a boyfriend? ' Haru beamed at you. ' Is this how you start conversations with girls? ' You questioned ' Nope, just the ones I like ' he teased, you felt your cheeks get a little bit hot. No one has ever asked you that kind of question before and you certainly wasn't expecting Haru to ask since you both just started talking a while ago.

' I don't have a boyfriend ' you shook your head.' That's great! Now I can try to win your heart ' Haru winked at you, making both of you giggle and laugh.

' That's great! Now I can try to win your heart ' Haru winked at you, making both of you giggle and laugh

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Hearing Haru's laugh Kageyama and Hikari turned your way. Kageyama seemed pissed off for some reason and Hikari seem to be smiling at you. However, since you don't want to face Kageyama, you quickly avoided eye contact with both of them.

' Tsk..' The annoyance was clearly showing on his face. ' You do know that it's your fault right? ' Hikari asked her new seatmate.

' Yeah I know that I shouldn't have said those words to her but I just don't get why she would lie to me ' Kageyama replied shaking his head.

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