Chapter Sixteen : Lunch together

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( Edited~ )

( A/N : Hey guyss! Thank you so much for the 2k reads! Honestly, I can't believe it lol )

The next morning~ 

It was Saturday so you slept in till 8 am. Your schedule for today was to just study and clean your room, maybe give a bath to Milk ( your dog ). 

Your parents left for their business trip at 2 pm and you're left alone in the house. You were about to watch anime when your phone lights up with a message.

* DING * 

' Hey Chibi-chan, tell me the details about your cultural festival? ' It was from Oikawa. 

' It's after the interhigh matches. It's still a bit far away so, I'll tell you the details later? ' you replied.

' Okay! I'll ask for the reward when I beat Tobio-chan in the tournament ' Oikawa replied with a winky face at the end of the text. 

' No way! We'll beat you. Be prepared Tooru '  

' Of course, I will be ' 

You spend the rest of your evening watching anime and reading manga, cause why not? 

Time skip~

( Sundayy ) 

You woke up at 8 am and started getting yourself ready. You ate cereal as breakfast and did some homework before showering. You went to your dresser to choose an outfit for today. For some reason you wanted to look cute. 

' what should I wear today? ' you thought to yourself as all your clothes lay in front of your eyes. You decided on an oversized shirt and a pair of black shorts. The shirt that you chose was a little bit too big for you so you decided to wear a vest underneath it in case the shirt droops too low.

You were playing with Milk when the doorbell rang. You opened the door to see Kageyama with a bag with project supplies.

( This is a reference pic on your outfit for today except it's a shirt instead of the sweater

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( This is a reference pic on your outfit for today except it's a shirt instead of the sweater. I do not own the pic ) 

' Crap..she's looks really cute today ' Kageyama thought to himself when he saw you and a slight blush crept it's way onto his cheeks. 

' Come on in. Have you ate? ' you said gesturing him to come in.

' Uhh..Not yet. I kind of forgot to eat after practice ' Kageyama replied. Obviously, that was a lie. He forgot to eat because he was too concerned on how he'll act when he get to your house and how he's going to make the visit not awkward. 

Seeing Kageyama came in the house, Milk ran to him and gave him a warm welcome, wagging his little tail. Kageyama smiled and bent down to pet him. He no longer needs your assistance in being friendly with Milk since Milk is already a friendly dog and for some reason he loves Kageyama. 

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