Your guidian angel?

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"What are you doing?" Alex whispered. I ignored him.

"Dads, moms," I called them.

"Yes my dear." They replied in unison.

"I and Alex really have a place to be at now, please we want your permission to leave."

"Permission granted, you can go have fun." Dad said smiling cheerfully.

"Thank you sirs, thank you mas." I dragged Alex out of the house.

"Where are we going? What happened? I was supposed to tell them today."

"Chill, a question at a time. Well... My friend called and said we should meet them at golden restaurant, she said  her boyfriend has something important to say concerning our relationship."

He sighed. We reached the restaurant that Susan told us to come to.

"Hey Ruby, over here." Susan called me waving her hands. I waved back at her moving towards the table she was in. James was also present. She sounded so disturbing on the phone when she called me. She told me James has something to say that involved my relationship with Alex and that we shouldn't tell our parents yet about the pregnancy.

"Hi James, hey Susan." I greeted when I reached the table and sat down, Alex was beside me.

"You!" Alex exclaimed pointing at James. "You were the guy at the hotel right?"

"Yes Alex." James greeted. It seems they know each other.

"Sorry for not introducing, Alex meet James, James meet Alex. James is my best friend's boyfriend. From the look of things, it seems you guys were able to recognize each other."

"I recognize him, Alex our senior in secondary school. The school most popular guy." James stated.

"Did you go to our school?" Alex asked baffled.

"Yes, I was Ruby's classmate." Susan coughed, I almost forgot to introduce her.

"Oh sorry Susan, Alex this is susan my bestfriend, roommate and James' girlfriend. Susan meet Alex my-" I got interrupted. Thank God because I don't know what I'll introduce him as, my father's friend's son? Too long.

"Nice to meet you Alex, I've sured heard alot about you." She said smiling.

"Nice to meet you too, I hope they are all good things you've heard?"

"I'd rather not say." She said looking at me.

"So what's the thing you wanted to talk about James? Susan said it was urgent." I  said bringing our attention to the reason we are all gathered here.

"Yes, it is" James replied.

"So spill it." I said getting curious.

"I just hope you guys will forgive me when I say this, what I did was definitely wrong and I deserve any purnishment you guys will bestow on me." This is definitely serious.

"Please spill." Alex said.

"I know Chioma." He started. He told us how he met Chioma after so many years and her proposal, their plans they made to separate us, he told us about the fake pregnancy but the story that baffled me the most is the hotel incident, Chioma just wanted Alex for herself that's why she plotted against him and almost ruined his life but I'll say Alex deserved what happened to him, he practically ran into the arms of the devil when he went to meet her at the hotel.

"But...but she showed me the pregnancy test, How come?" Alex asked confused.

"She collected it from her pregnant friend."

"So how did she plan on getting pregnant? Will she get herself pregnant and force it on Alex?" I asked because I don't know how someone will claim pregnancy when it isn't true.

"That's a good question. She told me that she would seduce Alex in the office."

"What?!" Alex exclaimed.

"Yes... She said she will do it seductively so you will have no choice but to fall for her  seduction and sleep with her and she's positive that she'll get pregnant after that."

"Jesus!" I and Alex exclaimed.

"I hope she hasn't done that, has she?" James asked and all eyes turned to Alex.

"She has, she came to my office on Thursday."

"So did you do it with her?" I asked getting scared for him, for us.

Silence was what we got. He did it with her. Oh God why? All hope is finally gone.


"C'mon Alex. Be a man, I locked the door while coming in, you don't need to be bothered." She started kissing me again and this time, I responded. After all I might end up with her, she's the mother of my first kid.

"Alex... Love me." And that was all I needed to come back to my senses. I pushed her away with annoyance. I was disgusted.

"Get out of my office now!" I shouted.

"C'mon Alex." She said coming closer to me again. What's wrong with this devil?

"If you ever lay your finger on me, oh God Chioma, you won't like what I'll do." I threatened and she smiled.

"I'll be back Alex." She winked and left my office banging the door.

"Alex." The sound of my name brought me out of my thoughts.


"Why did you do it? You've fallen into her trap again. What if she gets pregnant this time?" Ruby asked panic written all over her face.

"I didn't." That word brought relief to everyone's face.

"You didn't? Oh thank God!" Ruby exclaimed smiling brightly.

"She came into my office and started seducing me, she kissed me, I responded at first but I stopped almost immediately." I told them still not believing Chioma can stoop to that level.

"I'm going to sack her and sue her, she has to pay for all what she has done, all the emotional pain she caused me. I couldn't sleep for weeks after hearing that dreadful news, my mind was in disarray." I paused. "James," I continued. "I can't forgive you."

"I know how you feel Alex and I'm really sorry, really really sorry, you can do anything to me, hit me if you like but please forgive me." He begged. At least he's sorry.

"What made you confess?" Ruby asked him.

"My angel."

"Your guidian angel?" I asked confused as to which angel he's referring to.

"No, susan, my angel, when I met her, I instantly fell in love with her, it was then I saw what the two of you had and I decided to stop because the two of you don't deserve that kind of treatment and besides I don't know what I'd do if Susan was separated from me." He replied smiling warmly at Susan, anyone can see the love he has for her in his eyes but that doesn't mean I'd let him off the hook yet. I will but not now, he has to suffer a bit.

"I've been meaning to ask you, how did you know that I and Ruby were arranged to be married?" I asked James because I don't remember saying anything to anyone concerning it.

"Chioma told me, she said she overheard you mummering to yourself while entering your office." Oh, I remember that day, that was the day after the talk from my parent.

My cell phone rang. "It's Chioma."


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