No more secrets.

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Two days has passed, I was getting better but my heart was still in pain. I haven't heard from Alex since, the only information I heard from my mum was that he was kidnapped. It was kept a secret because they don't want the whole nation to know that the powerful Ceo of mezie's construction has been kidnapped. The search troupe and some policemen went around looking for him.

Suddenly someone burst through the door, mom was smiling brightly as she came in.

"What happened mom?" I asked her seeing as she was smiling, for the past few days she has been gloomy.

"They've heard from Alex," At the mention of his name, my heart was already thumping hard.

"Really? Where?"

"Alex called his father and told him where he was, your dad said something like trivia lane avenue."

"Oh! Great. I'm so glad." I squealed.



Coming out of the bathroom after cleaning myself, the door opened and in came the intimidating looking thug.

"Time is no longer on our side, here is your suit, wear it, I'll be back seven minutes later." He gave me and left the room locking it again. I brought out my phone from the drawer and called my father again.

"Dad, are you here yet?"

"Almost there son." He replied.

"Dad, do you know where Ruby is? Is she there with you guys?" I asked hurriedly.

"Ruby is alright and has been asking of you." He said and I sighed in relief. "Son, do not cause any trouble and don't do something that will make them harm you, okay?" Dad warned.

"Yes dad." I hung up then I wore the suit I was given, wore my shoes and waited patiently for the intimidating thug to come in.

The door opened but instead of the intimidating looking thug, it was the devil herself wearing a wedding gown and on her wrist was my watch. She was still wearing it.

"Oh, my husband to be is so handsome." She cooed dragging her gown as she came closer to me. "Let's get married as soon as possible so we can have a lot of time to consummate our marriage."

"I thought we have an hour left before the marriage?" I asked trying to buy some time before dad would come.

"I changed my mind, as soon as I saw you, I couldn't wait for you to be permanently mine, no one else would have you except me. No more Ruby who I'm sure is already dead, you won't be out of this house forever. Your parents and relatives will get to know that you're dead after not seeing you for years to come, We're made for each other." She ended her crazy talk.

"You're insane Chioma."

"Let's go. We don't want to be late for our own wedding even though we don't have a priest to bind us together, but don't worry, I dressed one of my men to be our priest and I've got the certificate of marriage which we will sign, then we will live happily ever after. What do you think?"

"You're crazy." I muttered.

"Crazy for you Alex and I'll do anything for you, now let's go. Time isn't on our side any more." She said and started walking to the door. As soon as she opened the door, a gun was pointed on her forehead. The three thugs were being held by policemen, all three handcuffed. Dad and Mr. Johnson came to hug me.

"Son how are you?" Mr. Johnson asked me, I smiled and replied;

"I'm good. How is Ruby?"

"She's okay." He replied and I thanked God silently.

"You're under arrest miss, and anything you say would be used against you in the court of law." The policeman recited. As he wanted to handcuff her, she quickly took the gun on his belt grinning wickedly at me, then there was a gunshot, blood dripping as I closed my eyes.



I was finally discharged, walking round the hospital, I saw an ambulance and police cars behind it. Nurses ran to meet the new patient that just arrived in the ambulance.

A body was rushed inside the hospital, I couldn't see the body but I could see his watch and I felt my heart sink, all his body was covered with cloth from his head down to his toes and the cloth was stained with blood. I ran screaming Alex's name, No, he can't do this to me. He can't leave me, I haven't even told him how I felt about him and he just died leaving me. I tried opening the clothes but the nurses and doctors stopped me. I sat down on the floor screaming, crying my heart out.

"I could have told him I love him, had I known. God please bring my Alex back to me." I cried praying silently then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Ruby." I heard the familiar voice that makes my heart beat rapidly, I looked up and I saw him. I rubbed my eyes thoroughly not believing what I saw.

"Alex? Alex! You're alive." I squealed as I hugged him tight. "I thought you died, I thought that body was yours."

"No it wasn't mine, it's chioma's lifeless body."

"But... But I saw your watch and I got confused."

"She took my watch claiming it's a wedding gift or something... Don't mind her, she was the one who kidnapped me, then when the police came to rescue me, she killed herself with his gun." He narrated shortly.

"My baby!" Mrs. Chineye squealed and hugged him. "Thank God you came back, I was worried sick, I almost got a heart attack when I heard what happened to you."

"Oh my God! Alex, you're back." Mum ran to hug him too.

"Every thing is alright now, our enemy is gone and her accomplices has been arrested." Alex assured everyone and we all went to my hospital bed. As we sat down Mrs. Chineye asked;

"Who was the person that kidnapped you and almost killed Ruby? Ruby couldn't remember the person."

"It's was our secondary school mate, she was Ruby's best friend and classmate."

"Ex-bestfriend." I corrected him.

"Yeah, yeah. Ex-bestfriend. I think she is crazy because she kept on saying she must have me and if she can't have me, no one else would. She even took my watch, claiming it as the wedding gift I gave her. I'm just happy she killed herself, hell straight up for her."

"Thank God she killed herself if not I'll make sure she spent the rest of her life in prison. What sort of human is that?" Mrs. Chineye said angrily. Just then dad and Mr. Ebuka came forward.

"The doctors confirmed that she's dead." Dad said and everyone rejoiced even though we all knew she died.

"You have to tell us everything about that lady." Mum said and I and Alex nodded. No more secrets.


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I love you all.

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