3: A Night to Remember

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Approximately half an hour later, you pitch the tent and you and Julian lay out your sleeping bags, bring in the equipment, and zip yourselves in. You're on the left side, the equipment on the right, and Julian is in the middle. But there's still plenty of space between the two of you.

Julian hands you a ration packet and you open it as the sunset colors shine through the clear top of your tent.

You take a bite of your dinner. "How do these just keep getting worse every year?" You scrunch up your face.

Julian laughs. "Just as gross as I remembered." He says with his mouth full.You laugh

That wasn't even funny. Must be the nerves and stress.

You strip off your uniform pants and undershirt, leaving you in your underwear. Julian gives you a questioning look, but his eyes linger on your body.

"Why'd you do that?" He asks.

"So the sweat doesn't potentially freeze tonight." You're a little annoyed. "And if you don't want to get sick, I suggest you do the same."

"Of course. I knew that." He strips to a pair of boxers, and you have to force yourself not to stare at his physique. He has a normal build, slightly on the skinny side, and is kind of athletic. His olive skin glows in the last rays of sunlight. You glance down at his abs and steal a peek a bit lower, drinking in the sight.

You meet his gaze and he smiles, his dimples seeming to warm the tent despite the cooling air.

"Well," he says, lying down on his back and clearing his throat. "It'll be hard to sleep with all this light still. I suggest we find something to talk about."

"Interesting place for a get to know you session." You laugh, and he joins in.

"So," you ask, "what's it like? Being a doctor, I mean."

"Fulfilling. Well, helping people is. Losing them is... an entirely different matter." He takes a deep breath. "Why did you go into the sciences?"

"Chemistry is creative, in it's own way. Something I can control. Sort of organized, but also not, I guess." It's getting awkward, and you try to think of a way to lighten the mood.

"Look." Whispers Julian, "a star. They're just as beautiful here as they are on the station."

"It's the first star out tonight. You're supposed to make a wish." You whisper back, staring up at it. You try to think of a wish, but your mind is blank. All you can think of is Julian. You look over at him and realize he feels the same way.

You look into his eyes, truly appreciating them for the first time. A beautiful grey with flecks of green, hazel, and gold that sparkle in the fading light.

With a faint smile, you look back up at the stars.

"They make one feel small."

"Hmm?" You don't know what he means.

"The stars."

"Yeah. All the solar systems up there, and we're just two people on one planet. Almost makes our problems feel small too." You can almost feel Julian sigh.

"Oh!" You gasp. "A shooting star! Make a wish!"

But all you can think to wish for is a kiss.

"Well what did you wish for?" Asks Julian, in a sweet teasing voice.

"If I tell you, it won't come true." You reply in the same playful voice.

You look over, and in the starlight, you can see he's looking at you too.

"Well, lets make our wishes come true." He whispers, his voice as gentle as the hand he places on your face to draw you in.

You pause, hesitating for a second, faces inches apart. Then you part your lips and move in slowly. You want to savor this moment.

Your lips meet. His are soft and sweet as he kisses you ever so gently. It sends a shiver down your spine. When you pull apart you sigh in happiness.

He takes your hand and you lay like that for a while, holding hands and just staring into each other's eyes.

Some time later you shiver, and realize just how cold it's gotten.

"I think we should zip our sleeping bags together. If you don't mind. It's warmer and..." You both know what you left unsaid.

"I don't mind at all." He replies, zipping together the bags.

You curl up next to him feeling his firm body beneath your back. Soon your breathing falls in sync, and you continue to lay like that until you both fall asleep.

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