7: Trust and Fear

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When the two of you arrive at your tent, the sunset is still casting a rainbow of colors against the cloudless sky. It's a breathtaking sight, and you're in awe of how similar it is to your home planet, earth,

You'd never had time to properly appreciate the sunsets here before. As a laborer, you were either busy or asleep. But here, now, with Julian by your side, you marvel in the beauty of a thousand shades of oranges and marigolds streaking across the evening sky, bathing everything in a warm light.

You look over at Julian who's taking in the sights as well, the light giving his face a golden glow. His eyes are twinkling, reflecting in the colors that surround you.

"It's beautiful." He whispers, seemingly entranced by the wonder of the colors dancing through the trees.

"Mhm, you are." You whisper back, taking in the marvel of his gentle features and memorizing every contour, wrinkle, and dip of his face, glowing golden and rose in the fading sunlight. He's smiling softly, a genuine smile where his eyes are crinkled up a little, and his face holds no sign of its usual tension.

He looks over at you, and the two of you lock eyes, his gaze so intense and passionate that your breath catches in your throat. You gaze deep into his eyes, admiring the flecks of color that enhance the faintly green-tinted grey of the irises. His pupils are dilated, more than the still ample light would call for, but expected for admiring something pleasant or beautiful.

You can only imagine you appear the same way, as you would be content to gaze at him for hours.

He leans in, his face inching closer to yours, his head tilted just slightly, lips parted, breath slowing, heart racing. You reciprocate, closing the distance until your lips meet. Your eyes flutter closed, and you wrap a hand around his back, and the other in his hair. He cups your cheek, and you feel his other hand on the small of your pack, drawing you in and bringing you closer to him.

His lips are plump and lusciously soft. After a moment, he parts them slightly, allowing you to explore with your tongue. The kiss is perfect, passionate, and romantic.

When you finally split to take a breath, you can feel heat creeping up your cheeks. But you're too happy to care.

You pull Julian into the tent and curl up next to him in the sleeping bag. Your head rests in the crook of his neck, and your arm around his waist.

All of your stress melts away as you're lulled to sleep by the sound of his heartbeat.

The next thing you know, you wake up to a soft kiss on your cheek, and bright light streaming into your eyes.

"Morning darling," Julian whispers, gently kissing your forehead.

"Morning." You stretch, and peer out of the tent. "Shit! We need to get moving. It's already mid-morning." Flustered, you start packing in a rush.

"Hey, you should at least eat something, okay?" Julian tosses you a packet of field rations.

"Alright, thank you." You sit down to compose yourself and collect your thoughts.

"We need to pack everything up, but we should leave it here. It's on the way back anyway."

Julian takes your hand and squeezes it gently and reassuringly. "That sounds like a plan, Are you ready?"

In that moment, you know he means more than just the mission. He means everything you've been through. Everything that haunts you.

"Yeah. If I don't face this now, I never will." You speak with a determined tone, and in truth you are more prepared than you are afraid.

You trust Julian. With your life.

"Let's go then." You check for the dagger on your hip, not Starfleet approved, but at this point, you don't give a damn. It's supposed to be a simple get in, grab the drug, and get out mission, but you have a feeling it's not going to go as planned. And anyway, better safe than sorry.

You're feeling a bit dizzy and warm, but that's to be expected. It's just anxiety, right?

Still hand in hand, the two of you head off North, to the Cardassian camp. Your outward confidence is, for the most part, a facade; fake it till you make it. Julian is being rather guarded emotionally this morning, yet your intuition tells you that he's only being strong for you. That he feels just as terrified as you do.

'Real life is nothing like the simulations, after all.

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