Sophie's Gone (Sophiana)

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Formerly in Teal Eyes. This begins a whole slew of Sophiana oneshots copied from that.

We regret to inform you that Sophie Elizabeth Foster and Dexter Alvin Dizznee have been lost to us all. Please go to the Wanderling Woods tomorrow at noon to pay your respects.

Biana read the words for the millionth time. She barely moved apart from her eyes, simply staring at the paper as her mind tried to comprehend. Sophie's gone. Around her, Della blinked in and out as tears streaked down her cheeks, and Fitz yelled in frustration, punching a wall. Biana was still.

Sophie's gone.

Sophie, the girl with the strange but beautiful brown eyes.

Sophie, the one girl who's beauty rivaled Biana's.

Sophie, the girl she was mean to at first.

Sophie, the girl who slammed her brother into a wall.

Sophie, the girl who gave her a chance even though Biana didn't deserve it.

Sophie, the girl who made the best base quest teammate.

Sophie, the girl who hated makeovers but still let Biana do them to her.

Sophie, the first real friend she'd ever had.

Sophie, the girl who was only her friend because Alden said so, until Biana became Sophie's friend too, until Biana started wishing she was more.

Sophie, who found out that Alden was behind their friendship, and thought Biana didn't really like her.

Sophie, who Biana was in love with.

Sophie, who was now gone.

Biana started sobbing. Della put her arm around her daughter. Biana pulled away and ran up to her room. She cried herself to sleep.


In the morning, her face was streaked with tears and ruined mascara. Biana wiped her face but didn't bother reapplying mascara. She took her hair out of the braid it was in the day before, but didn't restyle it. She didn't even brush her hair. Why bother looking pretty when Sophie's gone? She took a green dress out of her closet. It looked far too pretty to wear to her best friend's funeral.

Actually, even rags would be too pretty for her best friends funeral.


The entire week after the funeral was just a blank spot in Biana's mind. She didn't eat much, only when Della and Alden forced her to. Everything had lost its appeal. She just spent her days laying in bed, doing nothing. That's what she was doing when Fitz came rushing in.

"Biana! Biana! I think Sophie's alive!"

Biana sat up, feeling more alive than she had in days. "What?"

"She's transmitting to me, telling me that she and Dex are by this tree thingy. Something went wrong when she was light leaping, and she's fading. But she's alive."

"What tree thingy?" Biana asked.

"I don't know. She says one side has snow, the other flowers, and another has green leaves." Fitz said.

"I don't know what that is either." Biana admitted. Tears leaked out of her eyes. She was so close to having Sophie back. And Biana failed her. Again.

"Maybe Keefe knows," Fitz suggested. The second he said Keefe's name, Biana grabbed her imparter. "Show me Keefe!" She yelled, faster than humanly (elvinly?) possible.

"What is it?" Keefe groaned into the imparter. "It's 2 am."

"Do you know of a place that's a tree, and one side has snow, the other flowers, and another has green leaves?" Biana demanded.

"Um... yeah... the Four Seasons Tree. Why?"

Biana's heart leaped. "I'll explain later! Just get over here as fast as possible!" she yelled, hanging up.

"How are we supposed to get to the four seasons tree?" Fitz asked.

"Dad probably has a crystal there?" Biana suggested.

"Brilliant. I'll go ask him!" Fitz shouted, running towards Alden's office. He came back a minute later holding a leaping crystal. "Got it!" he declared triumphantly.

"Okay! Let's go meet Keefe." Biana said, sprinting downstairs. Keefe was waiting for them right outside the gate.

"Why are we going to the Four Seasons Tree?" he asked again.

"Sophie's there! But she's fading!" Biana yelled.

"Sophie's dead." Keefe whispered.

"She's alive." Fitz said. "She transmitted to me."

"Okay then." Keefe said, obviously trying not to get his hopes up. "Let's go."


"Sophie's awake."

Biana sprinted to her, no easy feat considering she was in heels. "Sophie! Sophie! Sophie, I'm so sorry, at first I was only your friend because dad told me to but I really am your friend and I'm so sorry can you ever forgive me?" Biana said, crying.

"Of course," Sophie whispered, pulling Biana into a hug.

Sophie's here. Biana thought.

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