I Can't Dance (Sophiana)

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Set in the elvin world. The only difference is that Foxfire has school dances in this, and I honestly have no idea how well Biana dances in canon but she isn't very good at it in this.

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster, you CANNOT not dance at your first school dance!" Marella shouted.

"First of all, it would've been much easier to say I had to dance, rather than using double negatives. Second, I literally can't dance. Third, no one wants to dance with me." Sophie argued.

"Well, all our friends would want to dance with you if there weren't only slow, romantic songs at these. But anyway, find someone! The school dances at Foxfire are incredible, and I will not allow you to miss out on any part of the experience!"

"Why can't I just awkwardly stand on the side and eat all the snacks?" Sophie whined.

"Because then you would only get one part of the experience! Even though the food is the best part," Marella explained.

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Fine. If someone asks me to dance, I will. But only if someone asks me."

Marella smiled evilly. "Deal."

"And you can't ask or force anyone to dance with me."



An hour into the dance, Sophie was very pleased with the food and the fact that all she had to do was stand around. Apparently everyone knew she was clumsy, and they liked having functioning toes.

Well, actually, Valin had asked her to dance, but no agreement with Marella would make her dance with Valin! (Again.)

"Hey Sophie," Biana said. "How's it going?"

"The food is really good," Sophie said, through a mouthful of food (obviously).

"Really? The food? No comment on how the actual dance is?" Biana said incredulously.

Sophie rolled her eyes. "You're as bad as Marella."

"Thank you."

"Anyway, I commented on the food because I haven't actually danced yet."

"REALLY!?" Biana screamed. "That's awful! Why not!"

"Biana, you know how absolutely awful I am at dancing." Sophie sighed.

"I'm pretty bad too, but I didn't let it stop be from having a good time! Of course, it stopped some people's feet from having a good time, but that's beside the point!" Biana argued.

"You may even be worse than Marella." Sophie grumbled.

"Aw, thanks so much!" Biana squealed. "Anyway, since it's basically a crime for you not to dance, how would you like to dance with me?"

Sophie turned bright red. "Um, I, uh, I'd, um," She cleared her throat. "You know I can't dance."

"Neither can I," Biana shrugged. "That is exactly why we should dance together."

"I fail to see your logic," Sophie pointed out.

"Well, this way, we can have a good time without tormenting the good dancers!" Biana explained, slightly blushing (which, when Sophie noticed that, made her start blushing even more.)

"I'm having a good time eating," Sophie protested.


"C'mon, please? Just one song?" Biana pleaded.

"Is there, um, another, uh, reason you want to dance?" Sophie stammered. "Besides the fact that EVERYONE MUST DANCE!"

Biana turned bright red, making Sophie's heart flutter in excitement. What if she actually likes me back? Sophie dismissed the thought almost immediately, not wanting to get her hopes up.

"I kinda want to dance with you because I have like a huge crush on you?" Biana squeaked.

"You have a crush on me!?" Sophie shrieked excitedly.

"Um, yeah, sorry, I'll just... go now." Biana muttered.

"No! Don't! I- I also have like a huge crush on you!"

Biana's face split into a wide smile. "You do?"

"Of course!"

"Great! Let's dance!"

Neither of them were particularly (or at all) good at it, but they loved (dancing with) each other anyway.

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