Opposites Attract (Marellinh)

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Femslash February! Soulmate AU. Linh x Marella.

(Has it ever actually been stated who manifested first, Tam or Linh? We're going to pretend Tam manifested first. I declare it to be so.)

Prompt: Soulmates have opposite powers from each other (fire and water, invisibility and high noticeability, etc)



"Are you playing with shadow puppets, Tammy Boy?" Linh said to her twin brother.

Tam blushed. "No!"

"Sure. So, you manifested as a Shade..."

Tam shrouded himself in shadow. "Sounds about right."

"Guess that means you're going to end up dating a Flasher. Do we know any Flashers?" Linh grinned, already daydreaming of when her brother would find a girlfriend (or boyfriend) and they would be her OTP and she would write fanfiction about them and basically be the annoying fangirl sister. That sounded so fun! Linh couldn't wait. So, did they know any Flashers?

"I don't think," her brother answered, rolling his eyes. He didn't understand her fangirl tendencies, how rude. "Most people in our level haven't manifested yet. And also, it's not really like we're super popular or anything."

Linh shrugged, reluctantly admitting that her brother was right. "For now... you'll meet a Flasher eventually! And then I will ship you for the rest of eternity!"

"Can't wait."


Hydrokinesis. It was fun, even if Linh had a bit of trouble with control. Possibly more than a bit. But whatever. Whenever Tam was being annoying, she could just splash him and get him to shut up. Perfect! Right now, Linh was playing around with the water, making it into different shapes.

One giant drop? Easy!

A rainbow? Most beautiful.

A star? A little hard, but not too bad!

A heart? Glorious!

Linh stared at the water heart, and suddenly, a thought shocked her like a cold bucket of ice water being dumped on her head. Literally, once she lost control.

Soulmates, obviously, were people with opposite abilities. Like Tam, since he was a shade, he would eventually end up with a Flasher. And since she had Hydrokinesis, water powers...

The opposite of water was...

Fire. Her "soulmate" would have fire powers. They would be a Pyrokinetic.

One teeny tiny problem: Pyrokinesis was banned. Illegal. Pyrokinetics were supposedly evil. Also, quite rare. And Linh was pretty sure the most recent one was about 700 years old.

Linh's love life was completely, utterly, and in all other ways doomed.

Actually, she had already known her love life was doomed, not just because her soulmate was evil and illegal. Because Linh was also pretty sure her soulmate...

Would be a girl.

And now it was even more doomed! Yay!

"Linh?" Came Tam's voice from the other side of the room they shared, shocking her out of her thoughts. "I love you, but you kind of just flooded our bedroom.



Marella stared up at the... well, considering they were underwater, sky wasn't really the right word. She stared in an upward direction at the three floating elves, holding hands and keeping them all from drowning. (Not drowning was pretty great.)

Was she staring because she wanted to watch them saving her life? In part, yes.

Was she staring because it wasn't every day the force field around an underwater city broke and three floating elves used Empathy, Hydrokinesis, and Enhancement to prevent flooding? Probably.

Mostly, though, she was staring because she felt inexplicably drawn to one of the three elves up there.

The allure was pretty familiar- she felt it any time she saw flames (which was why the fireplace in Marella's house wasn't lit anymore). If she didn't fight it, it would consume her. It was impossible to resist the way fire tugged at her soul... and it was a constant battle not to set her house ablaze.

This time, though, the pull wasn't so bad. Marella wasn't entirely convinced she wanted to fight it.

Now... which elf was she drawn to?

Keefe Sencen? Definitely not. Almost every teenage elf girl, if they didn't like Fitz Vacker, liked Lord Hunkyhair... but not the lesbian ones (even the lesbian ones who pretended to be boy-crazy as an attempt to hide it).

Sophie Foster? Every boy ever liked her, but Marella couldn't see what was so great about the Moonlark. Yeah, she's pretty, yeah, she's powerful, but seriously? Every boy? In other words, Marella definitely wasn't feeling a "magical pull" towards Miss Foster.

So... it was definitely Linh. Yes, definitely. Serene and beautiful, she even managed to look great while also looking completely terrified and struggling not to lose control and die.

Linh, the Hydrokinetic. Who's water ability perfectly complimented Marella's flames.

Who was, Marella realized, her soulmate.

~Linh~ (Five or so years later.) (So they're like 20/21~ish.)

Linh's love life was not doomed, as it turned out.

Maybe pyrokinesis was rare... but not completely impossible.

Maybe pyrokinesis was illegal... but that didn't stop her from manifesting.

Maybe pyrokinetics were all really old... except for that one elf a year younger than her.

Maybe all pyrokinetics were evil... except the one who joined the Black Swan.

Maybe there was no way any pyrokinetic could be her soulmate...

Except for her new wife, Marella Song-Redek.

Well... hope you enjoyed! Please vote and comment.

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