Love Triangles (Sophiana)

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I came up with this idea while being forced to write a love triangle for Swan Song (Blech), and just finished it when @GirlOfTheWater started bugging me for an update. Thanks, @GirlOfTheWater!

And no one wants to read my author's notes, so go ahead and read the chapter!

"Bianaaaaaaaaa," Sophie whined.

"Sophiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie," Biana replied.

"Why does every guy in the Lost Cities have to have a crush on me?" Sophie complained, flopping onto Biana's bed. When I don't even like guys, she finished in her head.

"Not just guys," Biana muttered under her breath.

"What?" Sophie asked, having not heard her.

"Nothing!" Biana said hurriedly.

It definitely wasn't just guys who decided that Sophie Foster was the most amazing girl in the universe. Biana Vacker had come to the same conclusion. Biana Vacker, who had a fifty percent chance of becoming Sophie's sister in law, and a fifty percent chance of losing her fake crush to her real crush. And a zero percent chance of being the answer to the love- whatever polygon they were on now.

It was mostly a triangle, with Fitz and Keefe being the only real chances, but a lot of other people liked Sophie, including but not limited to Dex, Valin, and Biana. Honestly, she couldn't blame them.

And she couldn't really be mad at them for being more likely options. After all, it wasn't their fault Sophie was straight.

Meanwhile, the very straight (HAHAHA, not really) Sophie was adding on to her question. Why did every guy like her? Why couldn't any girls like her? Why couldn't the one girl she wanted like her?

Maybe because that one girl was sisters with one of her "suitors" and had a crush on the other.

Sophie buried her face in Biana's pillow.

"I think I know why they all like you," Biana said finally. She definitely knew- in fact, Biana had a long list of reasons (a mental list, she couldn't risk someone else finding it) one could have a crush on Sophie Elizabeth Foster. But hopefully she could answer Sophie's question without giving away her feelings.

"Whyyyyyyyyyy?" Sophie groaned.

"You're really pretty, for one thing," Biana started. Both girls had to remind themselves that straight girls called each other pretty too. The reminder reassured Biana that she wasn't accidentally confessing to Sophie, but it made Sophie wish that Biana thought she was pretty in more than a "we're girls and we're friends" way.

"Um, thanks..."

"And you're, um, you're powerful, and you're smart, and you're brave, and-"

"And gay," Sophie muttered.



Biana was about to continue with her long list of Why Someone Would Like Sophie Foster, but she cut herself off before she could say too much, so much that even the oblivious Sophie would begin to suspect... "You're just pretty awesome. Any guy would be lucky to have you."


"But on that same topic, I think Fitz and Keefe are about to kill each other. Maybe you should choose...?" Biana knew that pushing Sophie into making a choice would probably break her heart. But why should it break her heart when she already knew that she didn't have a chance? Whoever Sophie chose, it wouldn't be her. So why shouldn't she wish for Sophie to be happy with Not-Her?

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