Chapter : 2 ☀︎︎

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Chapter 2; What's This Place?


Hailey's P.O.V.

"Milly? Where are you?" I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth to emphasize the noise. I have been wandering the school for so long. Where has she gone to?

"Milly?! Where are you gone? Come on, let's go!" I shouted. She's never usually late for things like this. I continued wandering around that school when I thought I saw Jake through a window, heading for that back of the school. I stood there, confused for a second. What could he be doing at the back of the school? I look around to see if Milly is anywhere here. Hmm, no sign if her. I might follow, Jake and see-

No Hailey, you are not a stalker!

But my curiosity takes charge and I'm following him anyways. I walk through the school and come out the main entrance. I walked down the side of the school to where I saw Jake appear. Hm, no one here right now, that's so weird. I swore I saw him back here.

Meh, I must be seeing things.

Now, time to find Milly-

"Hailey!" Someone shouted, jumping onto my back.

"Milly!" I said, snapping out of my thoughts. "Where have you been? You said that I would meet you at the entrance of the school!"

"Oh, I needed to use the bathroom." She replied, throwing her hand over her shoulder, point at when she came from.

"Couldn't you have told me?" I asked, as we walked around the school to get the exit out the front.

"I could have, but I forgot. Now, what movies have we lined up for tonight?! We have to have four-" Began Milly.

"-because it's the Sister Sleepover rule, yes, I know, we've been doing this for years." I finished.

It's true though, Milly and I have been doing our sleepovers for years. We had all the basic rules; No boys, four movies, staying up 'till at least 12, eating popcorn all night. But then we had some of Milly's rules like, haunt poor Zander, or annoy the living daylights out of her own parents to the point where the sleepovers were banned in her house. It was our tradition.

"Awh, you know me! So, movies?" Asked Milly, as we made our way to her house to pick up her stuff.

"Uh, I chose The Last Day and Harry Potter," I said. "You?"

"Ah, two childhood classics. Em, just two musicals, so we can sing along," She said, as we crossed the road and headed up the hill towards the street she lived on.

"Just, don't scream the lyrics, or else we could be facing the end of the girl's nights," I sighed.

"Aye, the power of music is sometime too strong!" She said, raising her hands in defeat.

"Are we making popcorn again?!" Asked Milly excitedly.

"No way! I got grounded after the last time!" I said, slightly pushing her playfully.

Last time, (I have no idea what was going through my step mother, Nicole's, mind at that time,) but she let us make popcorn in a cooking pot.

By ourselves.

I'll cut you the details, but there, was popcorn everywhere, and I mean, everywhere. So, you are supposed to leave the lid on the whole time Milly.

Milly laughed.

"That was fun! It was cool how the popcorn flew everywhere, like it was raining!"

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