Chapter : 3 ♫

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Third Person P.O.V.



"What are you doing here?!" Hailey asks, shocked. What could he be doing here?

"I come here to get away from.... stuff, and relax. You?" Jake replies.

"Same.." Hailey says.

"Well, want to sit together?" Jake asks again

"Sure.." Hailey says

"So Jake what do you 'Get away from'?" Hailey asks curiously.

Jake's P.O.V.

What am I supposed to say?

Do I tell her the truth, or do I lie?

I can't lie to her... She's Hailey!

The most beautiful girl in the school, I can't lie to her..



No, no, no, I'm just getting confused by her and Daisy, that's it!

But they're so different....

"Um, Jake? Are you gonna answer?" Hailey asks me

"OH! Um, sorry!" I say.

She chuckles slightly.

Her laugh is actually kinda cute...


"I just come away from Drew, Henry and Liam," I say, sighing.

"Wow, aren't they your friends?" Hailey asks, her beautiful eyes full of curiosity.

"Well, not anymore.. They're kinda mad at me for joining you guys."

"Oh.... Hey Jake?"

"Ya?" I answer, feeling the grass between my fingertips.

"Why did you join us?"

Uh-oh! What am I supposed to say!? I can't lie to Hailey! She'd never trust me again!

"I wanted to show my talent to someone, to impress them.. But now I don't know if I like them like that. I'm confused about my feelings.."

"What? Were you using us before?!" Hailey asks, sounding kind of angry.

"Ya.. Kinda," I emit, catching a glance at her anger.

"But not anymore! You guys are like family.." I assure her, as her expression eases.

"How so?" She asks me, now looking much more relaxed.

"Erm, well.... Zander is like a angry brother, but I know deep inside, he just wants us to do our best. And Milly, she's crazy but still makes us laugh when we need it. Sean helps out and always helps me if I need it. Luke is really kind and sweet, and is quite protective of Zander, I must say.."

"Aw, Jake, that's so kind! What about me?" She asks, smiling so her eyes close. She looks so pretty.

Uh, what about her, what about her..! Think Jake, think!

"Um, you're the pretty one and super talented one!"

"W-what?" She asks, going red.

Well done Jake, now she thinks you're an idiot.

"Ahh! Sorry Hailey," I apologise feeling my face turn crimson.

"It's okay. Thanks," she smiles at me.

Her smile can light anyone's day when their having a bad one..

She's like the light in the darkness....

Okay, I really need to stop, this is getting weird.

"Hey Hailey..?"

I look at her I can't feel a sun beam on my head, and there's alot of wind for a normal school day, so, why am I saying normal?

Someone that's important to me in here.
Sitting right next to me.

"Well wanna meet here every Friday? Like after school?" I ask her with curiosity. I really wanna get to know her more. I want to know what she's feeling and what she likes to do and enjoys doing.

Well, I got to say when I was bullying her I kinda wanted to be her friend

"Well... sure, but what do I say to Zander? I walk with him after school." Hailey says. She looks uncertain about her choice..

"Say you're in another club to make it sound less suspicious. You can say I'm in the club with you! You can pretend you annoyed about it, but we both know you would never," I smirked. Great thinking brain, at least you can get good ideas, but we'll need to train you for math.

"Hm, I suppose that could work," Hailey smiles at me. "I guess you're a master at making stuff up because of all the times you're later for pretty much everything."

Hailey said looking at me with her eyes squinted and a serious frown

"What?! N-no, how did you find out my secrets!?" I say, as if I'm terrified, but it's just a joke.

"Although it's because of that that I'm scared of Zander. Do you see his face when I'm late by five minutes!?" I say jokingly.

Hailey laughs at me. "The almighty Jake it afraid of Zander? But, on a more serious note, it's just like you said Jake.." Hailey said looking back up from her laugh.

"Hm?" I'm really confused.

"Zander is a angry brother but he wants you to spend time practicing so you don't make mistakes and slack off or do something stupid" Hailey says.

"I don't do anything idiotic!" I say, attempting to defend myself.

"Jake, he's not blind." Hailey laughs.

"Well, he doesn't need to take it out so hard on me, at least." I say.

"Ya, well-" Begins Hailey, but she gets cut of by someone ringing on her phone.

Her ring tone is me singing!

I blushed bright red.

"Is that me singing..?" I ask.

"O-Oh! Um, ya, you have a nice voice Jake." She says.

Hailey blushes as she picks up the phone. Did she just says that? My heart feels like it skipped a beat.

"Sorry Jake, Zander was on the phone. He wants me to come home." Hailey says disappointed.

"Oh. Bye Hailey!" I say. I want to hug her for good luck on her way home. Just for good luck. I promise.

"Bye! See you on Monday, Jake! If you decide to turn up on time. Fail to arrive on time and I will tell everyone your secret. " Hailey laughs and leaves.

I can feel the sun now on my back as I watch her walk away. I smile before she leaves.. that was a cool day now someone knows about my secret spot.

But at least is was someone good. I hope that plan about the club worked on Zander I think I should leave it alone and enjoy the moment in this garden...


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