Chapter 4, The Weasel

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3 months have passed since Kitsune was accepted into the group. It is November the 23rd.

"Woo!" Cheered Kitsune as the garage door slid to a close behind him. "That was a rush!" 

 Terry staggered over to the trash can, where he promptly threw up.

 "You need to rethink what you consider a rush." Spencer gasped. He dropped a bag of money on the fold up table where the money counter sat. 

"So what's our total?" 

"Let's do that later." He groaned. "I'm getting the Pepto-Bismal." 

As he staggered off through the kitchen, green as grass, Kitsune threw his bag on his table and allowed himself to fall onto the rough beige fabric of the garage sofa. He made room for the others, as they did the same.

"Feels good to relax, right guys?" 

Terry and the twins groaned in agreement. "11 jobs in 3 months ain't bad at all." 

"I'm just happy that was the last one for a while." Terry moaned tiredly. "I swear, I'm losing hair from this job." 

"You kidding me?" Reed interjected. "We're losing more hair then you, with your driving skills." 

The four chuckled, then fell back into the relaxing silence, all sighing simultaneously. 

Suddenly, Spencer burst through the door. "Yes! Yes! I will definitely call you back, lemme just get to my-" he snapped the phone shut with a wild look on his face. "So you guys remember how I told you that today was gonna be the last job?" 

They groaned. 

"Spencer whyyyyyy?" Davis moped. 

"No! Hear me out! This ones different!" 

"Oh really? What's so different about this bank?" 

"It's not a bank. It's a museum." 

"Oooooo, a museum!" Kitsune said, intrigued. 

"What the hell are we stealing from a museum?" Complained Reed. 

"Well..." Spencer grinned mischievously. "How would you guys like to steal the rifle that killed JFK?" 

They wore blank faces. 

"You're serious?" Terry asked. "The rifle from 200 years ago?"

"The Weasel just gave me a call and said he recently purchased a key card to the museum that the rifle will be at this Friday. Guess where that museum is?" 

"No way." Terry exclaimed, sitting up. "Here??"

 "Well, it's a small drive north, but it'll be totally worth it!" 

"How much is the net total? A million?" 

Spencer excitedly held up 3 fingers. "He offered 3 million." 

"No way!" Reed said happily, hugging his brother. 

"Um, can I ask a question?" Kitsune interjected. 

"What is it, Kit?" 

"Who's this weasel guy, and how does he have 3 million dollars on hand?" 

Spencer scratched his head. "Huh, I guess you've only gone on freelance jobs. Well, he's the guy that's got the intel. He's got people on the inside everywhere. There are a lot of intel brokers, but Weasel's the best. He knows when something's gonna happen, where it's gonna happen, and how much money he can pawn from it." 

"Got it. And the 3 million dollars?" 

"Well, he doesn't literally have 3 million dollars, but I can suppose he already has a buyer in place that's ready to fork over 8 million or something, and is giving us 3 of that." 

"Other question." 


"How are we going to break into a high security museum with only a key card?" 

The room was silent.

 "You know what? We'll get there when we get there. This is a one is a million opportunity we've received."

 Terry chuckled. "Don't you mean one in THREE million?" 

"Haha! That was a terrible joke!" 

Terry sat back down on the couch with a frown.

 "So, can I tell him that we're in?" 

Terry and the twins glanced at Kitsune hopefully. 

"What are you guys looking at me for? I totally wanna pull a museum heist!" 

"I'll tell him we're in then!" 

He walked back into the dining room, frantically punching in the numbers on his phone. The four sank back down onto the sofa with satisfied looks. Then Terry sat back up. 

"Wait a minute, what about our break??"

A note from your boy CJ: 

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm planning a longer, more complicated follow up to this.

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