Chapter 3, The First Job

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        "Will you stop fidgeting? It's making me anxious."

 Kitsune was practically shaking in the back. "I can't! I'm excited for the first job!" 

They were all dressed in black, and Kitsune had his swords tied to him. The small one was under his left arm, the medium one was on the belt in the back, and the large one was on his back, slung over his shoulder. Reed threw a hockey mask at him.

 "Don't forget to mask up." 

Kitsune threw it back at him. "I got one already." 

He drew out a half mask from his bag. It was an oni mask, but just the bottom half. It was a crimson red ceramic, sculpted to be the grinning mouth and fangs of a demon. Kitsune strapped it to his face, and threw his black hood over it.

 Kitsune strapped it to his face, and threw his black hood over it

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Just for reference.

 "How do I look?"

 "Like a bad ass." Davis said, impressed. 

Kitsune happily gave him a thumbs up. 

"Alright gang!" Terry called from the front seat. "We're here. The job begins!"

 Kitsune squealed happily as the squad of criminals burst out of the car into the bank. 

"Everyone down!" Spencer shouted. "This is a robbery! Money goes in the bag!" He said, throwing a cloth bag at the teller. She sighed and started stuffing money into it. 

Davis and Reed ushered the hostages into a corner, waving their guns around threateningly. After Kitsune disabled all the security cameras, he ran over to the entrance and began to fiddle with something.

 "We're good!" Spencer shouted, snatching the bag away from the teller. "Let's go!" 

"Gimmie a second!" Kitsune yelled back. "Ill catch up!"

 "The hell are you doing, kid?"

 "Setting traps!" 

Spencer rolled his eyes, and waved the twins out the back door. They rushed out to see Terry drift into the lot. 

"Let's go, lets go!" The men hurriedly got in. "Where's Kitsune?" Terry asked, panicking.

 "He's doing something weird voodoo stuff. He's taking way too long." 

"Kids these days, am I right?"

Spencer growled at him. " He has 5 seconds before you take off."

"Aw come on Spencer, no need to be like that."

"4 seconds!"

Kitsune burst through the back door and threw himself into the back seat over Reed and Davis. 

"Sorry!" He said sheepishly as Terry floored the gas. "There was a confident guy with a concealed firearm."

Terry screeched around the corner as the sirens followed him. "Crap, they're faster than I remember!" He cursed. 

"I'm on it." Kitsune said. 

Reed handed him his gun, and Kitsune opened fire from the back window. 

Blam! Blam! 

He fired two shots. One of them hit the grate of the car, making it smoke, and the other hit the left wheel, popping it. The car was forced to pull over, and others took its place. Kitsune kept firing, and kept disabling cars. 

"Almost there!" Terry grit his teeth.

"Almost where?"

"To the train tracks!"

Spencer's head whipped around towards him. "You aren't."

Terry scoffed. "How else do you want me to escape the police? Just by driving a lot?"

"Terry, when you said you had a plan, this isn't what I expected!" Spencer rubbed his temples.

"I think it's a great plan!" called Kitsune from the back. "Davis, give me a reload!"

"See? Kitsune gets it!"

"You stay out of this, runt!" Spencer growled.

"Jeez Spence, trust me a little bit more." Terry said as he rocketed past some cars. I did my research. The train left the station..." He checked his watch, swerving through traffic. "Five minutes ago." 

"You'd better be right about this!"

"Pfft, when am I not right?"

"Would you like that list to be categorized by quantity or quality?"

Terry took a sharp left, under the overhead highway. 

"There! I see the tracks!" 

the tracks could be seen about a half mile away on the open road.

"Terry, the train!"

The train came screaming into view, just as far away as the gang was. They watched with wide eyes as Terry sped up in an attempt to race the train. 

"Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!" Sang Terry, still accelerating.

"We're not gonna make it!"

"We're gonna make it!"

"Terry, we aren't gonna make it! pull over!"

"Spencer, do you trust me?"

"Like hell I do!"

It was gong to be close. The train sounded its whistle, but it didn't slow down. Neither did Terry. Both refused to let up on the gas, set in a collision course. Spencer started to scream, and the others did too. The old Toyota hopped the tracks, and the train scraped across the behind, barely missing a collision. The car landed, spinning out of control on the gravel road, and drifted to a halt facing the train which so nearly took their lives. The car was silent. They were in shock. The sirens could be heard from the other side of the train, buzzing like an angry hornet's nest on the other side of the window.

Spencer smacked Terry upside the head, and the others followed suit. 

"You are never, ever, EVER going to make the escape plan EVER again."

"I-I think I'm okay with that." Terry said with shaky breaths.

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