Winner takes the prize

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Genre: Romance

Rory Blanchard was regretting this get together. After years of graduating from high school and having whatever college experience one will have, she expected her 'friends' to be mature. Sitting at the expensive decorated dinner table overlooking everyone else and the dance floor, she now regretted coming to her high school reunion. The same as the majority of the world's population, her high school career was far from happy. College helped her heal from whatever damage that has been done to her and the real world opened her eyes and made her mature. The three girls she surrounded herself within her teen years didn't change a bit. 

Over the years they called to check up on her for their benefit only, asked for favors even make a little meetup dinner, but it never felt sincere when she joined them. While building her self confidence, Rory gradually created a new life without their input. 

The reunion was held at a well-known hotel at the heart of the city. The banquet hall was designed beautifully and the guests all came out dressed their best. We all know why they did. This was a chance to show off and brag about accomplishments that may or may not have happened. Currently, Rory was hiding a smile on her face and trying not to laugh as Hyacinth her high school buddy relayed a story of her being an owner of a local boutique.

"That's impressive. My sister shops there all the time. She always raves about never seeing the same thing over and over. So what made you bring in men's wear when it was simply a store for curvy women."

Rory glanced at the guy who just spoke, he too caught her eyes. He actually did a double-take and smiled her way. She remembered him. Nasim Henry.  A latecomer to Jallop High. Star football player and a sweetheart. He had a soft spot for cheesecake and cream-filled cupcakes. She wasn't shocked when she got news of him making it to the NFL. Nasim was basically one of the largest men in the hall and his suit looked immaculate on him. Hyacinth caught their little moment and tried to block Nasim's view before she answered. It was so pointless when the guy towered over her. Being the respectable guy he was, he gave a little cough and waited for her answer. 

"Well, I thought it was a good decision to get some male customers to come by. Menswear are a top seller. More money I say. Whoever you bought this suit from has a good eye," she said running her hand up to his broad chest. Nasim gave her a gleaming smile, the cute smile Rory always teased him about was partially covered by his full dark beard. His Arabic background was heavily shown through his hair and tan coloring. He was naturally handsome and turned a lot of heads but he never allowed the girls nor the fame to turn his head. 

"Really? I'm surprised that you don't recognize your own design. The owner which is you, did design this right?" Nasim said a bit confused. 

"Uhhh... yeah. I must have forgotten. So many designs I have done," she said faltering in response. He frowned and seem to be thinking things over. Rory's breath caught when he looked her way abruptly. His eyes widen in realization and looked between Hyacinth and her. She shook her head subtly and looked away from him. 

"Well, it's great to know who is the mastermind behind that wonderful store. Congratulations Hyacinth for keeping your identity hidden so well. I would have never thought you will be such a great designer and entrepreneur. Keeping your name out of the media made your stores popular. Thanks once again for the gift," he said warmly.

"Uh.. um... yeah. Sure. You're welcome Nasim. Maybe we can catch up soon" she said putting on her sultry voice. Those around the table knew that voice. She wanted Nasim in her bed, over the years she kept retelling the story of nearly bedding him homecoming night but things came up. Rory knew the truth to that night but never told a soul. Hyacinth's rep will take a hit, big time. Ignoring Nasim's excuse, Rory reached for her buzzing phone and answered the text with a small smile. 

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