Dirty little secret

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It was Friday the day of the party. Quinn didn't care for party's but a special someone will be here, and there was talking to Sam sitting beside Brittany with a drink in her hand.

She wanted to approach her but it was to many people around the black hair girl to even try or get a chance.

Hell the Latina might not even notice her, she was just some skank who changed for a boy who left her, she wasn't anything special.

"OMG Santana you came!" Santana felt the short brunette hug her, just like Sam and Brittany, Rachel and Santana was cousins.

Santana loved the girl but she swears her uncles trained her to be an obnoxious musical hobbit. "Hey Rach, hows uh...glee?" The Latina asked not knowing what to expect.

The shorter girl went on about something and nationals. Santana would've been listening if a certain someone didn't catch her eye. She was about to get up and talk to the girl until Sam grabbed the girls arm softly and asked her a question.

"Hey San wanna go play beer pong with me it seems pretty fun," the blonde boy asked. Santana was shocking a Queen at beer pong and couldn't resist a game but she also couldn't resist a Fabray either and this could be her last chance.

"Uh yea but let me go freshen up," Sam nodded allowing her to go and Santana sprinter through people to find a certain pink head.

And then she found her, "hey Fabray right?" The Latina asked acting as if she didn't know.

Quinn just look dumbfound, shes....talking to me was all Quinn could think. "Uh..yea that's me, why?" She said trying to put her skank attitude back on.

"Seen you around, you'd be shock but you kinda fit my type," Santana says boldly...maybe she had a few drinks tonight.

"Well miss Santana it seems the feelings are mutual," Quinn says. "Let's make things a little more interesting," the pink hair girl says holding out her hand.

Santana knew where this was going, but that's what she thought she did.

The two Dont go to Quinn's how sense Quinn was pretty much kicked out by her parents . They go to this shitty apartment where Santana saw the some skanks that wasn't at the Finns party hovering over a table.

"Heyyy Q finally!!" The tall girl shouts, "Emily this is Santana,Santana,Emily."

"You're just in time!" Emily shouts dragging us to the table where I saw it, white lines of what she hoped was sugar. "Quinn...."

"Cmon. You said you wanna make it interesting-"

"With sex not drugs!"

"We are gonna have sex, just after a few lines-"


Santana dragged Quinn out the apartment, "WHAT'S YOUR ISS-"

"What happen to you? This isn't the Lucy or the old Quinn I lo-....knew!" Santana paused on love, it wasn't the right time and she wasn't ready.

"You remember me?"

"It took me awhile but a little bored told me and well it's makes me sad to see you like this," the Latina says holding a grip on the girls hands. "Well i Dont want no pity party!" Quinn shouts.

"Look you can sit here do all the drugs you want and lose me or come with me, the most sexiest girl in this bitch and get yourself clean," Santana didn't have much to offer she just wanted to help Quinn.

Quinn knew this would be her last chance to ever get with the Latina and she wanted the Latina more then anything. "Fine."

Did Santana here her right? Was it really that easy? "But first I need to grab some stuff," Quinn mention heading back. "It better not be-"

"It's not drugs,just clothes and shit," the skank said going to grab a back of clothes and something else also which gets the skanks in the apartment making ooo sounds and acting like frat boys.

"Alright," Quinn said hopping in the driver seat. "So what's your address?" The pink hair girl asked pulling out the drive way.

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