A spark turns to flame

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Quinn got too the Lopez house and Santana almost regretted it. Her mom would not allow them skank girl into their home. "Shit, you think you can climb to my window?" The Latina asked.

"Wouldn't be the first time I've had to," the skanks says shrugging. Santana was about to ask what she meant but left it alone. "Alright imma head to my room and you start climbing to my window it's the one with black curtains by the big tree in front of it," the tan girl said getting a nod from Quinn.

Santana got out and walked inside the house and didn't really see anyone. "Mami?"

"We're in the kitchen," her father yelled.

"Alright I was just checking, I came home early, wasn't feeling to good,"

"Alright San, hope you feel better!" Her mother said.  She knew her parents must have been having an important talk so she left the conversation at that and headed upstairs.

Meanwhile Quinn was already at the top waiting for the Latina. "Come on Santana," she rolled her eyes. Soon the window was fully open for the girl to have access and climb in.

Quinn dropped her bag and took a glimpse at the room she was now standing in. It was black, abs the only real color in here was the bob Marley poster. "Sorry if it's not the best," the Cheerleader apologized. "No no it's perfectly fine, I kinda like it," the skank says creeping towards the other girl making Santana walk backwards into a wall. "Just like I like you," Santana felt her heart do flips. I mean this is what she was expecting...sex, this is what she wanted why is she panicking?

"You're shaking," Quinn says taking the girl out her thoughts. Quinn grabs the tan girls hands and holds them firmly. "Im not gonna hurt you,just...relax, if you don't wanna do it-"

"I do, it's just this is my first time with a girl.." Santana admitted closing her eyes waiting for a response.

This was Quinn's first tine too, she also hooked up with women but never got far, her friend Olivia bought her a 10 inch strap for whenever she got that far but never she did.

"It's okay San I'll be gently and help along the way," the skank said leaning closely to kiss the girl but stops midway waiting for Santana's response. Santana was hesitant but she kissed the girl cupping her face.

The kiss soon gets heated and Quinn takes it a step further to run her tongue on the cheerleaders pulp lips asking for entrance, with a moment to think Santana does and now it was a war between there tongues fighting for dominance.

Quinn moves her slowly up Santana's shirt and slowly feeling the girls body. She had pretty toned abs and soft skin.

She finally made her way to her right breast and fuck where they big. Quinn stopped their heated name out session and started kissing the girls jawline to her neck sucking her neck as she squeezed the girls breast. Santana let out a moan it felt better with a girl.

She's had guys mess with her but with a girls soft touch mainly Quinn's touch it made her more wet. The skank started playing with her nipple squeezing it and massaging it to the latinas liking.  Santana finally was able to get hold of herself and take her shirt of so the girl had more access.

The raven hair girl unclamps her bra and lets it fall to the ground. Quinn was amazed by the girls size, she knew everyone in school rumored she got a boob job but she never listened.

She takes the right breast and sucks on the nipple and uses her teeth to gently nip and bite her nipple while she pinch,squeezed and massages the right. "Fuck..Quinn i need more," Santana was hot she wanted to feel more and touch more.

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