Evening Shift (part 2)

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I have narrowed the boys down to Asahi, Noya, or Suga. Choose out of those three who you end up with in the end 😎. Ok back to the Storyline

First Person

"Sugarplum?" I heard my dad say as he walked into the store. I put my Newspaper down and got up from my chair.
"Hi dad." I said walking over to him and giving him a big hug.
"So how was work?" He asked after her released me
"Pretty slow," I say walking to go grab my things in the back. "Oh three of your team members came in and bought meat buns." I say when I come out
"Oh really?" He asked putting an arm around my shoulders. "Who?"
"Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Asahi." I smiled and walked out of the shop.
"I hope they didn't give you a hard time sweetie." He says as he locks the store up and walks back over to me.
"No, they did ask me who I was though." I say opening the passenger door to my dads car and getting in.
"What did you tell them?" He asked getting the driver seat.
"Who I was." I laugh
"Now they boys are gonna ask me why I didn't tell them that I had a 'hot' daughter." He laughs buckling his seatbelt and starting the car. I buckles mine and wait for him to start our journey home

3rd Person

Noya, Tanaka, and Asahi walked out of the local conviene store carrying two bags.
"What took you so long?" Suga asks
"You know the girl who came to the gym today?" Tanaka asks while handing out meatbuns
"Yea what about her?" Daichi says
"She works here!" Noya told the boys
"CAN WE SEE HER?" Hinata jumps up and down
"Calm down Hinata," Asahi says "She is also Ukai's daughter."
"Oh that explains why she said dad when she came in." Daichi ponders. Kageyama slowly took his Meatbun and chomped it down. While Tsukki kinda declines and walks away with Yamaguchi following him.
"So, meatbun Hinata?" Asahi asks handing him on. He takes it and chomps it down as well and goes off with Kageyama.
"Now that the first years are all gone," Daichi says turning his attention to the rest of the team. "What's she like?" He asks
"She's I don't know how to say it, her voice is mesmerizing, and-" Noya gets cut off
"She's chill," Tanaka says in between bites of his meat bun "Not to mention she's hot." He shurgs and Asahi rolls his eyes
"Do you guys only care about her looks?" He asks crossing his arms
"No, she has a great personality." Noya smiles daydreaming about his new crush.
"I mean she's hot and then personality is just a bonus in my book." Tanaka says taking another bite.
"Well I think she has a great personality, and I don't just focus on her looks." Asahi looks back at Daichi
"Why Daichi do you like her too?" Noya asks
"No, I don't fall this quickly she's just. Interesting," He smiles "Come on Suga let's go home." He walks away with Suga quickly following him
"BYE GUYS!" Suga smiles and runs after Daichi

"So, Asahi." Noya asks walking over to the bigger guy
"Yes Noya-san?" He asks looking down
"Do you have a crush." Noya nudges him with his arm.
"Noya, unlike you and Tanaka I don't catch feelings when I lay eyes on a girl." He says walking away from the group.
"Wow Asahi, not even a goodbye hug?" Noya crosses his arms. Asahi slowly turns around and walks back over. He picks up Noya and gives him a tight hug.
"Bye Noya." He says into the boys hair when he sets him down. Noya smiles and watches Asahi walk away.
"Come on Ryū. Let's go home." Noya walks beside Tanaka and they walk home talking about y/n and how pretty she is.

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