Game Changer - Gabriel

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Word count: 696



I watch the hands tick bye on the clock of our room. It's an hour or two well past dinner and lights out. Payton's out cold, fast asleep on her bed. I tucked her in nicely a while ago as the blanket was starting to drape out onto the floor. I didn't want her to start to feel cold.

Standing up, moving from my seat, I shuffle over the window, my movements kind of stiff for some reason and my body aching. I can see a few cars driving back and fourth. We're returning to normalacy now, but know we'll never be going back to what our lives were like before. So many people, loved ones have died. And me?

I wouldn't wish to go back even if were possible. What point is there in living if I go back how I was, arrogant and selfish? Drug addicted and abusing alcohol. And money isn't everything. When you learn to care for others and realize you're not the only one with problems, then you truly begin to live.

I look over my shoulder at Payton. She should be happy, she deserves to be and I want to make her happy. I want to make her laugh, feel loved. She's so beautiful and I worry she doesn't love herself and doesn't accept herself for who she is either.

But I know things will be better once Holly finds a bed for both of us. I'm glad to have met Holly infact. Knowing her and Payton has been a pleasure. Oh, no, her blankets slipping again. I make my way over to Payton to adjust it when I feel a slight stabbing pain in my chest and my head aches.

I clutch them both and feel a bout of bile begging to come out. I turn around quickly, but I'm not fast enough and when I open my eyes, I see the mess I made on the floor.


It's Payton, sitting up in bed. "I'm so sorry!" I groan, resisting the urge to be sick again.

"It's okay. You're recovering too from being on drugs. You've been there for me and it's only fair I return the favor." She smiles, slipping out of bed.

She helps me to my chair, hands me my sick bucket and presses our call button. Two nurses come by not long after, clean the floor and one escorts me to the bathroom.

"Mr Gabriel." He announces beside me. "What?" I respond, voice hoarse.

"In Holly's notes from earlier, it said you had been vomiting quite a bit and had a mild fever. She gave you Methadone."

"That's right..." I answer as I change my shirt.

"Well, Holly's not here right now, but we'll be back in the morning and we were wondering if you'd like some Hydralyte or something to help replace lost fluids. Are meds for your fever wearing off?"

"I don't have a fever right now and I don't want any hydralyte." I growl.

"Oh, I see... So, there's nothing we can do to help you-"

"Just get out! Leave me be for 2 minutes!" I growl and the Nurse scurries away. I clutch the sides of the sink tightly, fingers digging in as I hunch over it, feeling violently ill. I pant almost and look in the mirror. My dark skin is looking kind of pale. So does my eyes and then I feel an inaudible growl rise up my throat got some reason.

Suppressing the urge to growl is difficult and I cough instead at the mirror. When I'm done, I see light splatters and speckles of blood on it and and it looks like the blood is on my nose and cheekbones in the mirror.

My throat feels sore, voice hoarse. I clutch it, feeling my heart beat. "Mr Gabriel, are you okay in there?" The same Nurse from before calls.

"Uh, fine!" I tell him, grasping a paper towel, drenching it in water and quickly wiping the mirror down before he comes inside. When he does, not a moment too soon. The... Mess is cleaned up like it never even happened.

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