ibukis mission

543 15 32

editor note
hdjdjd another chapter! i know there hasn't really been a lot of komahina yet but i promise it will happen soon ! just be patient lol- anyway enjoy the chapter!

-time skip to the next day brought by nagit0s vibe checks-


shutthefuckupshutthefuckupshutthe- oh wait what time is it? Hajime Hinata said to himself as he looked at his alarm.

Monday, 1:02 pm

'1:02?... ITS THAT LATE?' our protagonist yelled as he shot up out of bed and rushed to his bathroom.
Hajime stared at himself in the mirror for around 2 minuets until actually starting to get ready, by the time he was dressed and ready to go the time was 1:11 pm.

Hajime opened his door expecting this to be another normal day, but as we can see things are never normal here at hopes peak academy so why he was thinking that is unkown.

Hajime screeched as he fell down into the hallway.
He looked up to see the energetic women herself Ibuki Mioda standing over him.

'Oops! Ibuki didn't mean to scare Hajime, Sorry!' Ibuki said while attempting to hold in her laughter.
'It's o-'
'Ibuki needs to ask hajime a very important question! Do you except?!' Ibuki cut off hajime to ask giving him no time to respond,
'Erm, Go for it i guess...'
'Will you go talk to Mikan for Ibuki? She hasn't been answering Ibukis calls all day and i am very very worried! Please Hajime!' Ibuki said while tears started forming in her eyes.'
'i uh-'
'PLEASE HAJIME? You are ibukis last hope!'

And just like that, Hajime was now being roped into another mission.


Hajime walked down the hall way with all the girls name plates on, trying to find Mikan Tsumikis, The ultimate nurse.


He walked past every door until he reached Mikans dorm at the end of the hall.

Mikan Tsumiki

Hajime mentally prepared himself before nocking on the door.

tap tap tap
'Heyy... Mikan are you in there?'

tap tap tap tap tap

Hajime sighed and rested his head on the door for a second.

'Mikannn? Is everything okay?'

tap tap tap tap tap tap tap

'Mikan if you don't answer me right f*cking now i will kick the door down.'

tap tap ta-

'I-i'm sorry- p-please do-ont kick t-the door d-down..' Mikan stuttered from the other side of the door.


'Mikan open the door.'

And after a couple moments the door squeaked open to reveal mikan standing on the other side. She has very tangled purple hair and a nurses uniform.

'Mikan- Why are you ignoring everyone? Ibuki is very worried you know...' Hajime tried to sound calm but honestly he couldn't really care less.
'm-my beloved w-wouldn't be happy i-if s-he knew i-i was f-friends with i-ibuki...' Mikan stuttered.
'Beloved? Mikan what the fuck are you o-.' Hajime attempted to ask
'HAAAH-' Mikan screamed before closing the door in hajimes face leaving him in the hall way.

well okay then.

Hajime was NOT about to spend another 10 minuets trying to open the damn door so as promised he just kicked it down because he is a bad bitch.

Hajime walked down the hallway in mikans dorm attempting to find where mikan was hiding.

as he walked deeper and deeper into the very insane girls dorm room.. he kept walking until he stumbled across a row of dimly lit candles....






what the fuck?

Hajime had walked in on mikan worshiping some sort of....

shrine? of a girl with strawberry blonde pigtails and bear hair clips. not to mention some MASSIVE tiddies. even bigger tiddies than gundham tanaka himself.

(for legal reasons i am joking ok)

'M-Mikan? What the fuck is all thi-'

'HAAAAAH Y-You weren't s-supposed to see t-this!! H-Hajime y-you have t-t-to leave !' Mikan said as she attempted to push Hajime out of the door, Only making things more difficult for herself as she tripped over Hajimes shoe laces and fell onto the floor.

He left mikans dorm without saying another word or turning back.

what the fuck was that.

Hajime decided that he was going to erase that memory from his head as soon as he told ibuki what was going on.

———time skip brought by mikans shrine———

'She said that..?' Ibuki asked with tears forming in her eyes.

'Yeah she did. I'm sure she will talk to you soon though.' Hajime attempted to comfort Ibuki but he isn't really good with this kinda stuff so he just patted her shoulder in a comforting way. 'Now stop crying and get ahold of yourself. It sucks seeing you all hurt like this when we have a road trip tomorrow. Just keep your mind on that!'

Ibuki wiped her tears with her hair and gave hajime a reassuring smile.

'Can i bite ya now?' ibuki asked

843 words.

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