packing the fucking bags

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BEE- yall know what time it is by this point

Hajime rolled over on his bed rubbing his eyes , he barely got an hours sleep because of how much he was thinking about the phone call with the strange women. It was 7:01 am and Hajime couldn't wait to be out of this fucking motel. He dragged himself out of bed and very lazily got ready before walking over to the mini fridge and grabbing himself a monster energy drink (Ultra red flavour) and exiting the room..

should i have gotten nagito?


Hajime nocked gently on Ibukis door, he still hadn't recovered from what had happened last night. He slowly opened the door..

'Heyyy guys..  time to go-'

Inside the room hajime saw Kazuichi hiding behind Fuyuhiko, witch wasn't really working because fuyuhiko is a fucking midget and can hardly be used as a shield. He was protecting himself from Chiaki who had several monster cans on the floor next to her and the relaxing sound of animal crossing music playing from her console. She was asleep (luckily) . Ibuki was laying upsidown on the couch snoring while cuddling a pillow.

'Oi bastard. It's fucking 7 am, what the fuck do you mean we're leaving?' an angry midget said from behind hajime.

'Last night i got a phone call from a doctor, she has a cure and we're going to go get it. Today. I'm sick of this' Hajime replied putting his face in his hands.

Kazuichi suddenly poked his head up.
'C-Cure? so your s-saying that chiaki will stop a-abusing me? fuck yeah!'
Kazuichi then picked up Fuyuhiko, shoved him on his back and sprinted out of the room.

Hajime poked Ibuki to awaken her and she snorted and got up immediately.  Hajime explained what happened to her and she started to pack her bags. Hajime then walked over to chiaki and picked her up and put her over his shoulder. wayyyy to scared to actually wake her.


Hajime went back to his room and packed his stuff, also waking up Nagito in the process.

Hajime poked his cheek and said
'Hey um.. Nagito? We really have to g-'

'yeah yeah i know. now stop talking to me.' Nagito replied with his cold tone, that hajime really didn't like.

'Fine i just won't wake you up next time then.. jeez...'

Hajime and Nagito left their room at about 7:40 and met up with the others in the entrance. the emo dude at the counter was asleep so they just simply left.

'IM FUCKIN DRIVING THIS TIME!!!' Fuyuhiko shouted while running up to the cars drivers side. Kazuichi ran up behind him and picked him up.
'No your not.'

Hajime offered to drive this time and Nagito sat in the passengers seat, leaving Gundham, Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko in the back.

-20 minuets later-
Hajime was too busy being a responsible fucking adult and paying attention to the road to realise that Nagito had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Hajime went a deep shade of red but didn't do anything about it. He then looked at the back seat to gundham shouting at Fuyuhiko.


Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi were practically snorting with laughter at his rage, and hajime couldn't help but laugh himself.

——-new messages from Akane——

Akane: Yo dudes! We just pulled over for some food, so we might be late, maybe you guys should go get something to eat too? see ya!


'Uh... Do you guys wanna stop for food?' Hajime asked while looking at the back seat.
The boys agreed to stop at McDonalds for some food since they were all pretty hungry.

'So what does everyone want to eat?' Hajime asked.

Gundham ordered a salad, Kazuichi ordered a mcflurry, Fuyuhiko ordered a chicken nugget happy meal and Nagito was still asleep so Hajime just ordered him some fries. He didn't really want him to starve.

After pulling over to eat, Nagito finally woke up and rubbed his eyes.

aw- wait no hajime that's gay.

Hajime being the straight big man that he is pushed that thought out of his head.

Kazuichi was bullying fuyuhiko for having a happy meal and it looked like they were about to have a fight. Fuyuhiko was glaring daggers at him.

'Hey guys let's not fight ha-' Hajime didn't even get to finish his sentence before Fuyuhiko was punching kazuichi violently in the ribs, witch didn't seem to hurt kaz that much.

'you know for a Yakuza i'd really thought you'd be stronger than that..' 

Hajime just decided not to get involved. He started the car back up and they were back on the road.

807 words

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