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Smolnis: dedude and me. I give u the veggies. U make the salad. An unstoppable team

Dedude: 😎 hell ya 😎

B-E-A-S-T: hit me up when it's done bois

Smolnis: we will be- nae we are the bois to beat

Shygal:): can I come??

Dedude: ofc

Shygal:): yay☺️

B-E-A-S-T: we will be back in a bit peeps

QueenAXEkiller: thank the lord

Cake-begood: I would have loved to help eat if they weren't making salad

Baelith: perhaps I should expand ur pallet

Cake-begood: bitch wHAT!?

FUCKYOU: I wouldn't go there

BrownBiBoi: dis my love one for time 😡🤬

FUCKYOU: wtf I didn't say shit about ur "love"

BrownBiBoi: u were too damn close

Baelith: imma go now cuz idk what's up

Father_Seteth: ^^always

QueenAXEkiller: I WISH-

Gorlwithteeth: if anyone wants help understanding drama I'm free to help!😊 but I'm think who Claude simps for is the only thing anyone is confused about... 🤔

Grasshopper: how's the salad coming??

B-E-A-S-T: it's taking forever

Dedude: if u would help it would be faster

B-E-A-S-T: we already went over how I'm an eater and not a cooker

Ingrid: I'm gunna regret this... but can u call me up when it's done??

BrownBiBoi: we are witnessing history in the making bois

Taken-flirty-boi: BUT THIS MORNING U SAID U WERE BISSY!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Ingrid: no ur just annoying❤️

Taken-flirty-boi: wtf were supposed to be friends

Ingrid: if ur just figuring out I don't like u....

FUCKYOU: don't even pretend u wouldn't be crying ur eyes out if either of us lost contact with u

Ingrid: I'm out. tell me when the foods done

Taken-flirty-boi: she totally luvs us 😎😎

That_hoe: who else doesn't care 🙄😗

FUCKYOU: strangely enough,,,, me

Ferdinand-von-Aegir: that's not strange we seriously considered u for the MLC

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