Alex p.o.v
Im finally going to be home I can't wait to see my family and friends. I already have everything packed and in my car, im just waiting for the paperwork I need to sign so I can finally leave. I've been waiting for about 20 minutes now.
She better come or I will just tell them to send them to me.
And right on cue before I was about to leave the girl with all my paperwork came running up to me. "Im so very sorry im late I was the whole way on the other side of the camp" she explained look very apologetic I really didn't care why she was late I just want the papers already. "It's fine just hand me the papers please" I say trying not to get in a bad mood. I don't want to be mad during the car ride not fun.I read over and signed all the papers that need to be done and as I did this she eyed me with her big green eyes she was kinda freaking me out a bit with just how big the are there like an owls eye but other then here huge eyes she was beautiful with curly natural red hair and tanned skin the whole time I was starting to get annoyed with her but I finally finished and handed it Back to her before I snapped and yelled at her . She said thank you and ran away not even glancing back onces. She ran away the same way she ran here but she turned left. Im glade she did now I can finally leave to my home sweet home. I kinda feel bad that I didn't even ask her name but it's whatever now I think to myself.
After that I hoped into my black 2013 Lexus and started for home. My Father gave it to me after we fixed it up. It use to be very rusty, with no engine,the tired were all poped one was actually missing, it didn't have rims, and the color was an ugly lime green type color that everyone would want to change the second they bought It. But that not all The inside was way worse. The seats were ripped to were the springs were popping out , the steering wheel was beat up , and it use to smell way worse than it looked it smelled like someone washed there dog while it was peeing and then tried to clean it with vinager and tried to cover it up with grandma's purfem. But we fixed her up. New black leather seats, replaced the whole dashboard with a brand new one, hooked up the heating and so on and so forth. It took us about a year. But we fixed it and it cost use way less to fix it then to by a new one.
I jumped into my car
It is a 7 hour drive to my pack house. So on my way home I listened the radio. They played awesome songs and I was jaming to all of them. Then they played this nice but seductive song it is called often by the weekend. That is my new favorite song. I was blasted my music and jaming the whole way until I got to the boarder of my pack .I lowered the music. And
I drove the car in slowly and felt better as I came into all the smells that are all so familiar to me. the sent made me feel way better instantly.I had to drive though the packs town it's not very big being that we only have 2,569 pack members but it's nice to have them close by even though they could live where ever they want. It took me 10 minutes to get to the packs house. When I
I finally pull up to it. I manged TO not just go in and hug the life out of everyone. Because I don't think that they realize I was here yet so I grabbed my 4 suits cases and ran up to my room. I noticed my sister never moved out of . Im happy she didn't either I missed her the most.
I unpacked my suitcases fast. It wasn't that hard everything was folded nicely and organized. So all I really had to do was through everything into a dresser.When I finally finished I heard singing in the bathroom that's is connected to my room. so I walk in because I know she never locks the door she really should lock it though never know what creeps sneak into bathrooms just to look at them or rape the but then again im here sneaking but I'm her sis so it's ok (ooo a lollipop)
before I go in I found a lollipop on my sisters desk. and I started eating it while sitting on the counter top silently. until I heard the water stop i laugh silently of how oblivious she is to my presences
"Sometimes the moon looks brighter then the sun"
She continued singing as she grabbed the towel but then my clumsy ass dropped the Brush and her arm stopped and froze her singing stop and her heart started beating fast.
she slowly opened the cartin and I laughed so hard at the face she made. It looked like she had just seen a seirol killer. Then I noticed her body change and we were the same size again."Jessica you grew boobs" I said and she got bright red like Christmas lights. I smiled at her " shut up alex and omg your back" she yelled and put a towel on before hugging me. "get dressed women and lock the door people can walk in and see you naked" I said trying to be as motherly as I could. and of course she laughed at me " kinda how you did?" She said and I nodded. "exactly how I did but we have basically the same body so looking at you is like looking at me. the ONLY difference is that your more shy and blush faster than I do" I said to her "oh and of course im way sexier then you" i say just to bother her a bit and she smiles and shakes her head before I left her to get dressed.
She was really fast being that all she was wearing were white short shorts, a short sleeve black v-neck shirt, and her long brown hair was tied up into a pony tail. We don't were make up so we get done really fast.
She looked nice. But her outfit was way off mine. I was wearing black short shorts and a white v-neck my hair was also tied up. So maybe we kinda match .
" hey lets mess around with mom and dad" I said and she smile and nodded before going down stairs first. this is going to be so much fun hehehe
Are mom and dad were in the kitchen with all are friends.
So we sneak down the steps and i hide by the wall near the kitchen door and jess walks in "Mom when is alex coming" my sister whines and mom looks at her " soon hopefully but I don't know she hasn't called but she we're planing the surprise " she says before they all turn away again talking about what they were gonna do they dont yell Jess because we'll she's bad at keeping secrets
She walks back out the kitchen to were I'm at anf
we switch spots "mom im hungry" I say and they all look at me and eye me for a long moment then pointed to a sandwich someone made but didn't eat and turned away again continuing so I started eating the sand witch and we switch spots again " daddy I want something to drink" Jessica says they look at her more then give her some juice she drinks some they turn away and we switch again " what are you guys talking about?" I asked and they look at me the last time "where did your drink go and why do you keep changing Jessica" my mom asked and I laugh "im not mom" i say just before Jessica popped in "did you call me mom?" She asked and stands beside me with her juice taking a sip we look at each other then at them smiling that was fun "Alex!!!!" They all yell at the same time before hugging me I missed them like alot" so did you meet any possible mates?" Niko asked he is my gay friend "No not even close" I said and I caught up with all of them for the next 6 hours Jessica is still mateless as am I. Niko found out his mate is Ravi matthews. There the cutes couple. Leo has just found his mate yesterday it's my other best friend margo she has always had a crush on him so yay for them. And my beautiful best friend Elizabeth isn't here yet. So I have to wait a little while more for her.
It has been an hour after we finished catching up and everything has been the same as it use to be so far. Elizabeth is going to be here any minute now and I can't wait to see her. I miss her so much. And like she read my mind she walked into the door and I screamed "ELIZABETH" when she hears me she drop everything and ran to the living room "ALEX" and we hugged for a long time then we let go and everyone else hugged her then we took her stuff to her room and talked about everything she still hasn't found her mate and she the same Eliza as before just more grown up and the best part is tomorrow she turning 18 and she will finally be able to smell her mate and her mate her I wonder who it will be like yay right hopefully i can find mine at her party because its gonna be huge like 4 whole packs are required to come every single member that's healthy must be there
Thanks for reading hope you enjoy and please comment what you think unless it's about the gays and lesbians because I know what im writing about and I don't want to hear that you don't like there sexuality thank u

She can't be my mate (on Hold)
WerewolfAlex is the first born between her and her twin sister.... right now she is next in line to be alpha when she finds out her mate is her BEST friend or so everyone thinks what will she do and will her mate accepted her or will her life come crumblin...